hchiam / learning

What I'm learning/practicing

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Links to what I'm learning. Languages. Libraries. Frameworks. Etc.

You might find my Projects and Templates helpful for kickstarting your own learning.

Chances are, you can guess the URL of each repo: https://github.com/hchiam/learning-...

Or you can browse this README file.

Or bookmark this search link: https://github.com/hchiam?tab=repositories&q=learning+

Click to expand:


Projects: things that I've built or maintain

  1. Besides the rest of this list, I contribute to other people's projects, like: GoogleChromeLabs/ProjectVisBug
  2. A minimal slides editor and presenter in your browser.
  3. A minimal notepad in your browser (automatically restores, and works offline after your first visit).
  4. Chrome extensions like a linter, quick menu search, quick selection search, and experimental test automator
  5. Firefox add-ons like Check All Scripts with URLVoid and Console Log Element
  6. _2DNote to make visuals with 2D coordinates more accessible to people who are blind.
  7. Google Voice Assistant apps: Code Tutor and Mental Temperature Converter
  8. html-template-generator and demo site: https://html-template-generator.surge.sh
  9. stylable-select
  10. random code tips
  11. deps, a CLI tool that generates a dependency graph (as an interactive SVG). Just give it a file/folder as a starting point.
  12. Code Inspiration to-do list web app that works offline (after your first visit).
  13. No fancy touchpad pen? Draw by moving the mouse and hitting spacebar to toggle.
  14. Electron-powered desktop app anonymous-input for personal teaching/educational use. Uses Electron.js, Travis CI, mocha, spectron, npm, yarn, ...
  15. Code Explorer
  16. Voice User Interface named LUI
  17. Experimental programming language to make it easier to write code with speech recognition
  18. Convenience code I use in my CodePen.io Front-End demos, such as:
  19. Machine Learning examples and other ML repos and notes, like a genetic algorithm to generate a conlang, or text-similarity-test built using TensorFlow.js or PyTorch demos. Or like experimenting with comment analysis using tfjs, USE, and UMAP (as opposed to t-SNE or PCA.
  20. Atom plugin tutorial and a server based on it to seek code snippets for you
  21. HTML template generator
  22. API examples:
  23. Glitch.com Backend/server demos like this Node.js server and this URL shortener microservice
  24. Example HTML5 web apps/games (NOTE: old): https://github.com/hchiam/embeddedWebApps

Templates: repos and snippets to get started faster

  1. Azure DevOps
  2. Bash Scripts and PowerShell and Zsh
  3. Chrome Extension or Firefox add-on
  4. Content Security Policy (CSP)
  5. convenience template repo for getting started faster on creating your own convenience scripts or packages (this template repo comes with issue template, PR template, contributor reminder, codeowner, etc. files already set up for better collaboration on GitHub). Like my learning-template or my project-template.
  6. Custom VS Code (Visual Studio Code) linter
  7. Cypress
  8. Electron for building desktop apps using web technologies (JS/HTML/CSS)
  9. esbuild
  10. Flask
  11. flying focus ring and keyboard focus trap and morphing_button
  12. GitHub Actions
  13. Google Apps Scripts for things like Google Docs
  14. Google Assistant App templates: Code Tutor or Mental Temperature Converter
  15. Google Map Widget
  16. gpt4all
  17. JavaScript practice (and bookmarklets and TotT)
  18. Jasonette
  19. Java practice
  20. Jazzer (and Jazzer.js) for fuzzing / fuzz testing
  21. Jest
  22. jQuery
  23. Keras
  24. Lighthouse CI
  25. linter stuff like lint-staged to automatically include code style fixes in your commits
  26. localGPT
  27. Okta sign-in widget (also serves as a minimal node/express app with its server.js)
  28. open-props
  29. Phaser
  30. prompt engineering - for ML/LLMs
  31. Protractor
  32. Python practice
    1. Node.js plus Python talking to each other
  33. Record automated tests with Selenium IDE chrome extension, or the slightly-better Katalon Recorder chrome extension (which can also export code and other formats).
  34. serverless API functions with CloudFlare workers
  35. Subresource Integrity (SRI)
  36. surge
  37. Tape
  38. Teachable Machine to quickly prototype an ML model (gather, train, export)
  39. TinyLlama - another small open-sourced GPT/LLM
  40. Travis CI
    1. Travis CI setup for Selenium IDE
    2. Travis CI setup example for desktop app (Electron.js) test with mocha
  41. TypeScript
  42. UglifyJS
  43. VB (Visual Basic)
  44. Vue
    1. vue-test-utils with Jest and with Tape
    2. vue-resource
    3. Vuetify templates
  45. Web Components
  46. Example Yeoman generator generator-hchiam-learning which creates another of my learning repos.

Tutorials: things I tried to learn by closely following tutorial instructions

A bunch of Udacity courses like Front End Frameworks, Web Tooling & Automation, Offline Web Applications, and JavaScript Design Patterns.

I'm also learning on sites like freeCodeCamp and Udemy and LeetCode and more.

  1. action-dependabot-auto-merge
  2. Alexa
  3. ally.js
  4. Alpine.js
  5. AngularJS, Angular 8, and Angular
  6. ANNOY for ML nearest neighbours of vectors
  7. AOS ("Animate On Scroll" library)
  8. AutoML with AutoML Edge model exported from Vertex AI API of Google Cloud Platform.
  9. AVIF compressed image format
  10. axios
  11. Bazel
  12. Bootstrap 4 + SCSS
  13. canvas
  14. CKEditor 5
  15. CODEOWNERS files
    1. All Contributors GitHub App
  16. contributing.md files
  17. CORS
  18. CSS/CSS3
  19. cucumber
  20. D3.js
  21. dependency-cruiser
  22. Django
  23. Docker
  24. docsify
  25. DSPy
  26. ECMAScript browser modules (using import in the browser)
  27. Feathers
  28. Figma for interactive design prototypes and components (also has an Electron-powered desktop app), and Bravo to turn them into native apps(!). (Here's a quick summary of different design tools.) For creating images like SVGs, I'd use Photopea.
  29. Firestore and Firebase Local Emulator Suite
  30. My solutions for FreeCodeCamp (UPDATE: no longer publicly available)
  31. Gatsby.js
  32. GitHub CLI gh
  33. GitHub Copilot (uses OpenAI Codex)
  34. GitHub issue template
  35. Golang
  36. Google Closure Library maybe for things like goog.structs.Heap() for use in practice problems that I practice with eslint and jest. It does so many helpful things, but it’s also a FE UI library like Backbone.js.
  37. GSAP (GreenSock Animation Package)
  38. gzip
  39. HTML/HTML5
  40. HTTP status codes
  41. HTTPS server
  42. Hugging Face - for trying out ML models quickly
  43. jExcel
  44. jquery-i18next
  45. Kotlin
  46. LangChain
  47. lazy load
  48. Less
  49. Lit.js
  50. localForage
  51. localtunnel
  52. Lodash and Underscore.js
  53. Material Design Components for the Web (CDN and NPM/Webpack setup)
  54. MEAN
  55. MERN Stack = MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js (but I'm also using Mongoose, MongoDB Atlas, cors, dotenv, nodemon, eslint, eslint-config-google, bootstrap, react-router-dom, react-datepicker, axios, etc.).
  56. Mitosis
  57. mocha chai
  58. MongoDB
  59. Neumorphism
  60. Node
  61. Ollama to run LLMs locally/privately on your computer.
  62. Publishing your own NPM package and GitHub package
  63. nx
  64. Parcel.js web app bundler
  65. Polka
  66. Polymer
  67. PostCSS
  68. pug
  69. Python ML web app using Streamlit
  70. PWA + Bluetooth
  71. Qwik
  72. React and Redux
    1. Small example of adding data to Redux state container: https://github.com/hchiam/react-jexcel-redux
    2. Bigger example with Redux and more: https://github.com/hchiam/chat-app-fcc-react-redux
    3. React Router
    4. React Native
    5. Minimal React Frontend + Express Backend test
    6. Auth0
    7. React + Apollo + GraphQL with a working example
    8. React + Firestore
    9. React Hook Form
    10. react-testing-library
    11. React Error Boundaries
    12. React Portals
    13. Next.js
    14. mantine.dev React component library
  73. reCAPTCHA
  74. service workers and WebWorkers
  75. snowpack and create-snowpack-app
  76. Solid.js
  77. Svelte and Sapper
  79. SQL and Sequelize ORM for Node.js
  80. TensorFlow
  81. three.js
  82. universal-tilt.js
  83. Vue with Firebase database and Glitch.com hosting
  84. Web Accessibility (a11y) (from Google's Udacity course) and axe-cli (and even more a11y notes)
  85. Web Dev Bootcamp
  86. web video, image manipulation, and connecting video to CSS animations
  87. Webpack
  88. WebSocket
  89. yargs
  90. yarn
To learn later

To learn later: thought about learning but didn't go too deep yet

  1. Aceternity
  2. amplication nocode to generate website FE+BE
  3. Apache ECharts
  4. assembly
  5. Astro
  6. AWS (Amazon Web Services) terms in plain English
  7. Bayes
  8. Blitz
  9. Browsersync
  10. bun
  11. C#
  12. Chrome DevTools
  13. Cirq for quantum computer circuits
  14. Combinations vs Permutations
  15. CSS BEM
  16. Data structures and algorithms like the splay tree, B-tree, skip list, Bloom filter, union-find data structure (for sets), suffix tree/trie/array, LZW compression, combinations vs permutations with/without repeats
  17. Deno
  18. Elm
  19. Flutter
  20. Framer
  21. Google Charts
  22. GraphQL
  23. gulp.js
  24. connecting JS to hardware
  25. Helmet
  26. Heroku
  27. Immer to change immutable state more easily.
  28. general software interview problem solving skills
  29. Karma
  30. Kubernetes
  31. Nuxt.js
  32. octave
  33. the OSI model
  34. P vs NP
  35. Pattern Lab
  36. Plotly.js
  37. privateGPT
  38. Puppeteer
  39. PyCharm
  40. react-spring for fluid, interactive animations.
  41. Rome
  42. RPC (Remote Procedure Calls)
  43. Ruby on Rails
  44. Rust
  45. semaphores
  46. shadow DOM
  47. SuperTokens
  48. technical writing
  49. Vite
  50. VS Code productivity tips
  51. Web Assembly (WASM)
  52. WebGL
  53. WebGPU

You can expand all by running this in dev tools:

javascript: (function () {
  Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".markdown-body details")).map((d) =>
    d.setAttribute("open", true)

I use bash scripts to generate new learning repos and sometimes new project repos.

I'm also on CodePen.io and Glitch.com and CodeSandbox.io and LeetCode.com and Bitbucket.org and Repl.it

Auto-generated GitHub résumé: https://resume.github.io/?hchiam