hchiam / learning-firebase-local-emulator

Learning Firebase Local Emulator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Learning Firebase Local Emulator Suite

Just one of the things I'm learning. https://github.com/hchiam/learning



Testing out this repo

After you clone this repo to you local machine, run these CLI commands: (no need to npm install first)

cd learning-firebase-local-emulator
npm i -g firebase-tools
firebase init

Very basic setup from scratch

curl -sL firebase.tools | bash
# firebase logout
# firebase login
firebase init # I personally chose the firestore and emulators option, and opted out of using a default project

# you might have to
firebase login --reauth

and then:

firebase emulators:start

Local Firebase Emulator UI


npm i -g firebase-tools
firebase --version
# firebase logout
# firebase login
firebase init
firebase emulators:start # localhost:4000
firestore.doc("hello/world").set({ hello: "world!" });

  .then((snap) => console.log(snap.data()));
firebaseConfig = {
  projectId: ...your-project-id-here...,
database = firebase.firestore();
if (location.hostname === "localhost") {
  // to use the emulator instead of the real DB:
  database.useEmulator("localhost", 8080);

To backup and reuse local data of the running emulator:

firebase emulators:export seed
# (remember the export path)
# (and then upon restarting the emulator:)
firebase emulators:start --import seed

You might also find interesting:

firebase emulators:start --import seed --export-on-exit=seed
# see it repopulated at http://localhost:4000/firestore

More examples


More on Firestore in general



Learning Firebase Local Emulator


Language:JavaScript 100.0%