hchiam / learning-yarn

Learning yarn

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Learning yarn

Just one of the things I'm learning. https://github.com/hchiam/learning

yarn is like npm, but better (in my opinion).

If you're already using npm, there's a very minimal migration and learning curve.

How yarn relates to npm: https://www.sitepoint.com/yarn-vs-npm/ (from 2016)

More info: https://yarnpkg.com

  • Concurrency for faster installations.
  • Exact installed versions recorded by default.
  • Checksums before executing packages.
  • Can work offline for packages you've installed before.
  • Less verbose CLI install messages.
  • A minor downside: older npm packages may not work or be installable.

Install yarn: https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install

Setup deps

yarn init = npm init

yarn or yarn add = npm install

(You can use yarn import to generate a yarn.lock file from an existing package-lock.json)

Install package as dep, dev dep, or globally

yarn add <...> = npm install <...> --save

yarn add <...> --dev = npm install <...> --save-dev

yarn global add <...> = npm -g install <...>

  • WARNING: it's global add and NOT add global (yarn add global installs a package literally named global).

Install package without dynamic version (i.e. without caret ^)

yarn add <package-name> --exact = npm install <package-name> --save-exact

so you get 1.2.3 instead of ^1.2.3 in your package.json


Uninstall package

yarn remove <...> = npm uninstall <...> --save

Upgrade package version

yarn upgrade <...> = npm update <...> --save

Common commands you might use/customize

yarn test = yarn run test = npm run test

yarn build = yarn run build = npm run build

yarn start = yarn run start = npm run start

Other stuff

yarn why = dependency graph and helps you see if you explicitly added a package

yarn licenses (no npm equivalent)

yarn upgrade --latest = upgrade dependencies while ignoring the version range specified in package.json (could help with security updates) (reminds me of npm audit fix


Learning yarn

License:MIT License