hchiam / code-explorer

Kinda like JARVIS, but just for coding

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code Explorer version License: MIT

Kinda like JARVIS, but just for coding.


yarn to install dependencies.

The you can run 3 CLI tabs: (or just do yarn start - don't forget to do yarn stop when you're done)

Run database

mongod --dbpath=data

Run server

node server.js

Debug database

# https://www.tutorialspoint.com/mongodb/mongodb_query_document.htm
use takeaways
db.takeaways.update({'some-key':'some-other-data'},{$set:{'some-key':'new data'}})
db.takeaways.remove({'some-key':'new data'})

See dependency graph

# for example:
# Enter max depth:
# Enter src folder (or folder or file you'd like to inspect): public/index.js


For now, most critical are 1, 2, 5, 8, 11: (goal, nearest, ask, report/show)

  1. get goal
  2. get embeddings of props/actions
    • store these embeddings for faster access later if repeated
    • (use ANNOY to get stored index and recreate index with updated data)
  3. BONUS: get embeddings so it can get ideas of combos to try:
    • get embeddings of docs sentences that are associated with API props/actions
    • get code examples from docs API to generate example inputs
    • get embeddings of any error logs (compare to props/actions/docs embeddings)
    • get embeddings of any google suggestion sentence (compare to props/actions/docs embeddings)
  4. BONUS: check if any action combos get the goal result already (key: result, value: action combo)
  5. choose closest embeddings to goal
    • check nearness of embeddings of single actions (try shallow API first)
  6. BONUS: choose closest embeddings to error log:
    • check nearness of embeddings of single actions (try shallow API first)
    • check nearness of embeddings of combos suggested by docs/google/error logs
  7. BONUS: get different ways to make combos:
    • sequence functions (doSomething(); doSomethingElseAfter();)
    • within/chained functions, conceptually includes "=" (doSomethingAfter(doSomethingFirst()))
  8. ask/suggest before trying (for security)
  9. BONUS: try combos/single actions:
    • with delay between things tried
    • in either codepen or new sandboxed browser instances (for safety and to isolate variables)
  10. BONUS: get and store results and results frequencies for what tried:
    • how use this to check if achieved goal?
  11. report/show findings from results of actions tried (variable value + UI, which may be in a CodePen if possible)

Stepping back

This process is different from semantic code search because it also proactively checks error logs, tries combinations, and checks results (at least tries to, in a sandbox).

Other notes


TensorFlow.js Universal Sentence Encoder lite



ANNOY Node bindings

For an efficient Approximate Nearest Neighbors search of nearest embeddings (instead of checking every single embedding stored in memory every time):



# for python:
pip install --user annoy

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Kinda like JARVIS, but just for coding

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.0%Language:Python 6.2%Language:HTML 4.7%Language:CSS 0.2%