gokselgoktas / structured-volume-sampling

A clean room implementation of Structured Volume Sampling by Bowles and Zimmermann in Unity

Repository from Github https://github.comgokselgoktas/structured-volume-samplingRepository from Github https://github.comgokselgoktas/structured-volume-sampling

Structured Volume Sampling

This project explores Structured Volume Sampling; a method introduced by Bowles and Zimmermann for minimizing aliasing when ray marching unbounded volumetrics in real-time. The algorithm functions by sampling the volume from implicit planes located at fixed world-space positions. This is in contrast to the more traditional approach where the sampling planes move with the camera, leading to severe aliasing.

Structured Volume Sampling


A clean room implementation of Structured Volume Sampling by Bowles and Zimmermann in Unity

License:MIT License


Language:C# 76.3%Language:GLSL 23.7%