Motion planning algorithm implementation in Python and C++
- C++ useage
- a* algorithm
- theta* algorithm
- Probabilistic Roadmaps algorithm
- Rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm
- Dubins path algorithm
- Reeds Shepp path algorithm
C++11 standard, use Rviz to show algorithm, so you should install ROS.
- put this package in your ros workspace, e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src/
- cd ~/catkin_ws and catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
- launch script, e.g. roslaunch cpp_rviz a_star.launch
Dubins algorithm have 6 types path as below.
The difference of Reeds Shepp path and Dubins path is that Reeds Sheep path have both forwards and backwards. So Dubins path is a subset of Reeds Shepp path.
based A* algorithm and Reeds Shepp path algorithm