UCL-Proton-Beam-Therapy / vhdl-vivado-basic

A guide on how to write basic FPGA programming in VHDL and its implementation. This targeted the one who has no experience with Vivado.

Repository from Github https://github.comUCL-Proton-Beam-Therapy/vhdl-vivado-basicRepository from Github https://github.comUCL-Proton-Beam-Therapy/vhdl-vivado-basic

VHDL basic with vivado and its implementation

This is a repository encompasses basic coding in VHDL using Vivado from AMD. It provides a step-by-step guide in making your first project to implementiation on FPGA.

In this instance, the software and hardware specifications are as follows:

  1. Software version: Vivado 2020.2
  2. FPGA board used: Xilinx Nexys Video
  3. Product family: Artix-7 FPGA
  4. FPGA Part: XC7A200T-1SBG484C
  5. Source: Digilent

It is expected that you have installed the vivado software and have an FPGA to be play around with. If you download a different version of Vivado, a different interface might occurs. However, functionality wise it should remains the same.

FPGA Picture



  1. Creating a new project
  2. RTL Design and Sources Samples
  3. FPGA Implementation

Useful Link:

The steps above is limited to the FPGA used as described, basic VHDL coding, and FPGA implementation. Check out these useful links to find other resources on how to perform simulation, other project examples, etc.

  1. Other board xdc file (digilent): Here
  2. Vivado Installation Guide: Here
  3. Basic VHDL Programming: Here and Here
  4. Tutorial Video to understand Digital Design: Here
  5. Simulation Testbench for Waveform analysis: Here


A guide on how to write basic FPGA programming in VHDL and its implementation. This targeted the one who has no experience with Vivado.


Language:Tcl 87.4%Language:VHDL 12.6%