Siponek / ROS-SLAM-with-Gazeboo-Autonomous-robot

An robot that uses SLAM and Adaptive MonteCarlo Localization algorythms to move around the Gazeboo enviroment in three diffrent modes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Drunk and blind SLAM driving robot

Project during stay at UniversitĂ  di Genova


The third assignment of the Research Track 1 course. The goal is to have an robot that uses SLAM algorithm to move around the map in three diffrent modes.

Get started

Downloading the packages and installing

The simulator requires ROS. Clone this repository into your ROS workspace's src/ folder.

git clone

Additional requirements include:

  • final_assignment package,
  • the slam_gmapping package,
  • ROS navigation stack
git clone
git clone
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-navigation

The branch of all these repositores is Noetic.


Since this is a python package run refresh ros packages:

rospack profile

To launch the program run the simulation enviroment

roslaunch final_assignment simulation_gmapping.launch
roslaunch final_assignment move_base.launch

To run the program run the launch file (master_Robot, UI_Robot and teleop_twist_keyboard nodes included)

roslaunch assigment_rt_3 launchAssigment.launch


The robot can be controlled according to three modes: The package consists of 2 nodes and a lunch files to con these nodes:

  • master_Robot -> as the main control logic node
  • UI_Robot -> as the UI for the user input
  • launchAssignment.launch -> as the main launch file


1: 'Autonomously reach a x,y coordinate inserted by the user',</br>
2: 'Drive the robot with the keyboard',</br>
3: 'Drive the robot with assistance to avoid collisions',</br>
4: 'Exit',</br>
5: "IT'S TIME TO STOP",</br> - sends reseting singlas on drive modes
6: "Cancel goal",</br> - cancels autonomous mode from the first option

How it works

UI_Robot node sends signals/data to the master_Robot on several topics. Remmaped teleop_twist_keyboard node is used for steering the robot by the user with manualDrive and assitedDrive modes. cmd_vel topic is remmaped to unlock the possibility of assisting the user though remapped_cmd_vel topic. master_Robot shows the warnings and distances to the nearest obstacles.

The program accepts two parameters andter launch files is specified:

  • assitanceThreshold - distance from where the assistance starts for option 3
  • timeout - after what time timeout occurs for option 1




  await UI signals/data

  if autonomousDrive
    receive coordinates
    move to specified point

  elseif manualDrive
    use teleop_twist_keyboard to drive the robot

  elseif assistedDrive
    use teleop_twist_keyboard to drive the robot
    scan for obstacles
    change the cmd_vel message to avoid obstacles

  print status


  await input

  while True

    if option == 1
      input coordinates
      publish coordinates to master_Robot

    elseif option == 2
      send singal to master_Robot (manualDrive)
      print master_Robot output

    elseif option == 3
      send singal to master_Robot (assitedDrive)
      print master_Robot output
    elif option == 4
    elif option == 5
      send reseting signals to reset the drives
    elif option == 6
      cancel goal from option 1
      print 'Wrong input. Please enter a number ...'


An robot that uses SLAM and Adaptive MonteCarlo Localization algorythms to move around the Gazeboo enviroment in three diffrent modes.


Language:Makefile 50.4%Language:CMake 22.3%Language:Python 15.1%Language:C 4.4%Language:C++ 4.3%Language:Shell 3.5%