I'm doing tpt clones in every new lang I learn now :P
If you want to play without having to compile it yourself, check the actions tab on GitHub and download artifacts from latest successful build.
- Install rust if you haven't already: https://rustup.rs/
- Clone the repo
- Open a terminal in the main directory of the cloned repo
- Install rust nightly:
rustup toolchain install nightly
- Use rust nightly in this project:
rustup override set nightly
- Build and run the project:
cargo run --release
LMB - Place sand
RMB - Erase
Space - Pause game
F - Advance by one frame when paused
Scroll - Change brush size
Shift + Scroll - Change brush size faster
Ctrl + Scroll - Zoom
MMB + Move Mouse - Move the camera
G + Scroll - Change grid size
L - Reset Camera
The version up on https://maticzpl.xyz/powderrs/ is still in development. Currently, it limits TPS.