JacopoRaffi / Husky_Robot_Navigation

Robotics project. Computer Science Master Degree University of Pisa. A.Y 2022/2023

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Husky robot navigation

Authors: Jacopo Raffi - Simone Marzeddu

A Husky robot has to navigate a maze using its on-board camera. The robot moves towards visual cues to guide it towards the exit.

How to run

Executing the following commands in order will start the Gazebo simulation:

  • roscore & sleep 1 ; rosparam set use_sim_time true -> start ROS master node,

  • rosrun gazebo_ros gzserver braitenberg_nav_project/maze.sdf -> set up the simulation environment in Gazebo,

  • gzclient -> activate a visual representation of the simulation,

  • cd braitenberg_nav_project/ -> set the Linux shell path inside the main folder,

  • python3 -m sm.lights_switcher -> generate human targets in the simulation environment,

  • cd ROS_Plugins/catkin_ws/src/ -> set the Linux shell path inside the ROS_Plugins/catkin_ws/src/ folder,

  • rosrun robot_vision yolo_node.py -> start the robot vision module,

  • rosrun robot_control pid_controller.py -> start the robot control module.


Robotics project. Computer Science Master Degree University of Pisa. A.Y 2022/2023


Language:Python 44.2%Language:C++ 29.5%Language:CMake 26.3%