There are 0 repository under xpack topic.
A binary distribution of the Arm Embedded GCC toolchain
A binary distribution of the GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC toolchain
A binary distribution of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
Secured, Preconfigured and Dockerized version of ElasticSearch, tuned for various cloud providers
A binary distribution of the AArch64 Embedded GCC toolchain
Deploy elasticsearch, kibana & logstash (ELK Stack) with docker compose
An xpm template to generate Hello World projects
Elasticsearch XPack plugin that adds a very simple OAuth2 realm to XPack (and to Shield for pre 5.0)
Provides an automated way through ansible to deploy ES cluster and Kibana with xpack security enabled on a basic license
This project creates a single node ElasticSearch and Kibana instance secured by TLS with XPack using docker-compose.
Elasticsearch udemy course companion repo
Template for Elasticsearch's node js client with xpack configurations.
An xPack with the Debug Run-Time Metadata library
A source code library with the µOS++ C++ intrusive lists