There are 1 repository under searchguard topic.
The Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
Official documentation for Search Guard, the Elasticsearch security suite (no PRs, go to gitlab)
oauth2 proxy docker config for Kibana 6.1.1 with searchguard or xpack
SSL/TLS offline certificate generation and validation tool for Search Guard (no PRs, go to gitlab)
Secured, Preconfigured and Dockerized version of ElasticSearch, tuned for various cloud providers
Provides an automated way through ansible to deploy ES cluster and Kibana with searchguard security enabled on its community license with signals alerting and xpack monitoring on its basic license
The ELK stack powered by Docker and Compose.
Elasticsearch Docker image including search-guard
Kibana Docker image including search-guard
The Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
Ansible role for configuring Kibana + Search Guard Plugin to run in Docker
Ansible role for configuring Elasticsearch with Search Guard to run in Docker
Wazuh and ELK stack secured with SearchGuard