There are 2 repositories under winapi-application topic.
A lightweight text editor and file explorer for Windows users. Available at softpedia:
CBT Hooker for Windows debugging & analysis
Win32 program written in Rust to get practice with Rust and Windows programming.
The scariest thing I've ever written. Лабораторные по дисциплине "Операционные системы" под Windows
Just a little framework that helps you getting started with DirextX 12
Simple SMTP client with TLS support written in C++
A sample program, which is a notepad, for create, edit, save, open text files.
integrated desktop environment
WinAPI application to download KINO lotteries and get winning prices for a fixed number of tickets.
Windows :: A simple set of dynamic screensavers made in C and WinAPI.
A small windows tool for toggling the display orientation.
Console alternative to Windows Volume Mixer
Example About Dialog written in C++ (winAPI)
Instructional example of a calculator. Four arithmetic operations are implemented.
Various little apps that use WinAPI
C와 C++, SDL library를 이용해 윈도우 어플리케이션을 제작한 프로젝트입니다.
TCP/IP 소켓 통신을 이용해 실시간 대전 격투 기반의 게임을 네트워크 기능을 추가 시킨 프로젝트입니다.
Custom Minesweeper game for Windows built with C++ and the WinAPI.
Program written in Windows API using Windows Media Foundation to connect to web camera and to process and capture video streams.
Win32 assembly programs coded for MASM
Automatically backup files on an external hard drive on insertion.
This game is my solution to the Lab 1 of the course Programming in Graphical Environment at my university. It was my first experience with WinAPI (used C++). I might update it a little to make it better (and perhaps change the naming scheme as it might involve copyright issues.
A simple program to move your cursor with the keyboard.
WinAPI program to test the internal pc speaker on Windows
Some easy WinApi library templates
A rewrite of the keymapper for the Research Arcade project.
A sample program that allows you to create, save, delete, and edit contacts
A sample application for copying files using threads
A case study for a word search application in text
Game of Numbers with timer
A training example of a game in which a computer guesses a number
Tic-tac-toe - game with two modes: with ai and with friend.