There are 0 repository under contact-list topic.
UI building blocks to add email, calendar, and contacts to your app in minutes.
Simple web-based address book and contact manager with user authentication, logging and API functionality built in pure PHP, also with a supported Docker environment.
A simple app made with Flutter for List Contacts, using sqflite.
Multi Contact Picker is a framework access apple contacts framework and return CNContact list
A simple React Native component that takes an array of data and renders a section with alphabetically sorted data
call a contact by his/her name or part of number, or just show the contact on the green console ;)
A React contact cards app with Tailwind CSS, Framer motion and React hooks.
Here are complete projects to learn iOS development with Swift.
A library which fetches the contacts from mobile and allows to search over it.
A handy tool for generating single alphabet Bitmaps mostly used in Android phone contact lists.
Simple and lightweight contact picker library for Android - Library demonstrates use of builder pattern in kotlin. GitHub Page -
React eğitiminde yapilan, basit yapili proje
A simple practice MVC application built on .NET Core.
This is a command-line interface (CLI) program that allows the user to manage a contact list. It is written in C/C++ and stores the contact list on disk.
A simple contact manager to manage CRUD operations of contacts. Use save button to locally store any changes and comeback at any time to get all saved contacts.
Simple Contact List built in Flutter
PhoneX Android application, secure messenger application
Uma aplicação web ASP.NET Core MVC que aplica operações CRUD em um sistema de cadastro, listagem, edição e remoção de contatos. Foi utilizado o .NET 8 no Visual Studio 2022 e o PostgreSQL como banco de dados para armazenamento dos contatos. Esse é um projeto básico que foi feito como parte dos meus estudos de C# e .NET.
Angular component for filtering , contact list in alphabetical listing. Awesome Contact List
a simple digital contact book. It's not the most pro system out there, but it's enough to get the job done.
Contact list management CLI built with Node.js and MongoDB.
Este projeto consiste em um avançado gerenciador de contatos, desenvolvido utilizando React + Typescript como frontend e NestJS como backend. Com um foco especial na experiência do usuário e na eficiência operacional, a aplicação oferece um conjunto abrangente de funcionalidades para gerenciar contatos de maneira ágil e segura.
AssistGo! provides users with a simpler way to communicate.
This is a JS Contacts App 🙍♂️
Contact Info Project - Created a program that reads in a list of contact information from a text file and stores it in a Linked List of Contacts.
📞 Contact List app made with React Native 📱
E02: Contact List with Livewire and Bootstrap
This is a simple command line interface for a contact list program using Python and SQLite3.
Advanced phone book for organizations to let them easily manage their customers written with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and EF6.
A single page application to store all contacts and perform CRUD operations.
♻️ A practice recycler view contact list with add new contact, show contact and delete contact functionality.
A Vue.js + TypeScript + Vuetify project which helps manage your contacts and was designed using Material Design principles
address/contact list App built with Reactjs, Firebase Auth and Firestore