michyaraque / smart-contract-boilerplate

πŸš€ Boilerplate and Starter pack for develop Smart Contracts with Hardhat environment, Typescript, Chai and Waffle

Home Page:https://michyaraque.dev

Repository from Github https://github.commichyaraque/smart-contract-boilerplateRepository from Github https://github.commichyaraque/smart-contract-boilerplate

βš™οΈπŸ“‹ Smart Contract Boilerplate, TS, Chai, Waffle

Solidity 0.8.4 Hardhat Typescriot Chai Solidity 0.8.4

πŸ”‹βš‘ Smart Contract battery template

This is a boilerplate for create a solid smart contracts with Solidity, Hardhat, Typescript, Chai and Waffle

πŸš€ Easy test Deployments

Stackblitz CodeSandbox

  • βœ”οΈ Toolings for linting, formatting, and conventions configured

    solhint, eslint and prettier


  • πŸ‘· Hardhat environment
  • πŸ”₯ Type checking Typescript
  • For testing:
    • Chai
    • Waffle

Getting started

You can either click Use this template button on this repository and clone the repo or directly from your terminal:

npx degit michyaraque/smart-contract-boilerplate <YOUR_APP_NAME>
  • Run yarn install in the root directory.

  • Change .env.example to .env and put your private key on the key PRIVATE_KEY_DEPLOYER

Unit Tests

Run npx hardhat test to run the unit tests.

Get Coverage Diagnostic

Run npx hardhat coverage to get the actual testing coverage.


πŸš€ Boilerplate and Starter pack for develop Smart Contracts with Hardhat environment, Typescript, Chai and Waffle



Language:TypeScript 84.5%Language:Solidity 6.9%Language:JavaScript 4.9%Language:Shell 3.8%