There are 13 repositories under vim-scripts topic.
:mortar_board: All things Vim!
Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
:link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
Provides the branch name of the current git repository
directory diff plugin with split treeview, similar to BeyondCompare, fully async and low dependency
Vim plugin - Transpose matrices of text (swap lines with columns).
Generate coverage information for Vim scripts.
vim plugin (wrapper) for Solargraph gem - IDE tools for the Ruby language.
Vim plugin to encode/decode base64 strings
filestyle is a Vim plugin that highlights unwanted whitespace and characters.
Automatically adjust number of blank lines when pasting
Vim plugin for setting the tabline including the tab page labels. It is lightweight and written in pure Vim script.
My vim settings and plugins, compatible with MacVim in OSX
The ultimate Vim configuration: .vimrc (heavily customized, uncompromising and opinionated)
Jump to signs just like other object motions. A feature that is oddly absent from Vim.
fold code block using regexp, multiline supported, best fold plugin for general usage
:black_circle: My Linux config files, alias and functions :black_circle:
Vim script for alternating between test and implementation files for Elixir
Sort import statements in Haskell codes
A delightful VIM framework for managing you VIM configuration. Based on Vundle.Vim.
My BASH environment. Warning: Bash 4+ and 24bit TERM support required.
my work environment (so i don't have to search for it ;-)
:eyes: Automatically set readonly option on specific files