ZSaberLv0 / ZFVimIndentMove

move cursor quickly accorrding to indent

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


vim script to move cursor quickly accorrding indent

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how to use

  1. use Vundle or any other plugin manager you like to install

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIndentMove'
  2. use keymap to move cursor, default keymap:

    nnoremap E <nop>
    nnoremap EE ``
    nnoremap <silent> EH :call ZF_IndentMoveParent('n')<cr>
    xnoremap <silent> EH :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveParent('v')<cr>
    nnoremap <silent> EL :call ZF_IndentMoveParentEnd('n')<cr>
    xnoremap <silent> EL :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveParentEnd('v')<cr>
    nnoremap <silent> EK :call ZF_IndentMovePrev('n')<cr>
    xnoremap <silent> EK :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMovePrev('v')<cr>
    nnoremap <silent> EJ :call ZF_IndentMoveNext('n')<cr>
    xnoremap <silent> EJ :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveNext('v')<cr>
    nnoremap <silent> EI :call ZF_IndentMoveChild('n')<cr>
    xnoremap <silent> EI :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveChild('v')<cr>

    you may disable the default keymap by

    let g:ZFIndentMove_autoKeymap=0


  • ZF_IndentGetIndentLevel(line)

    get indent level of line, accorrding to your min(tabstop, softtabstop)

  • ZF_IndentIsEmpty(line)

    true if line is empty or contains spaces or tabs only

  • ZF_IndentMoveParent(mode)

    move up to nearest parent indent (whose indent is less than current line)

    move >> foo
     cur >>     foo
  • ZF_IndentMoveParentEnd(mode)

    move down to nearest parent indent (whose indent is less than current line)

     cur >>     foo
    move >> foo
  • ZF_IndentMoveChild(mode)

    move down to nearest child indent (whose indent is larger than current line)

     cur >> foo
    move >>     foo
  • ZF_IndentMovePrev(mode)

    move up to nearest sibling or parent indent (whose indent is equal to or less than current line, skip first empty or same indent line)

    move >> foo
     cur >> foo


    move >> foo
     cur >>     foo
  • ZF_IndentMoveNext(mode)

    move down to nearest sibling or parent indent (whose indent is equal to or less than current line, skip first empty or same indent line)

     cur >> foo
    move >> foo


     cur >>     foo
    move >> foo


move cursor quickly accorrding to indent


Language:Vim Script 100.0%