There are 9 repositories under ohmyzsh topic.
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
Simple script to change color-schemes and fonts for Termux.
The Complete Windows Web Developer Setup Guide
A macOS setup guide specific to front-end development.
Automatic update of custom plugins and themes Oh My Zsh
A delicate dircolors theme for ls that injects color without overwhelming your workspace - macOS friendly
Theme-Engine is usually made for modification & customization, so you can make trunks even more Colourful and better your Termux.
Personal dotfiles for macOS and Linux.
zsh, zshrc, ohmyzsh, nerd font, powerlevel10k, themes, autocompletion, syntax-highlighting, autojump, fzf, linux terminal customization
Guia rápido para instalação do WSL mais um conjunto de ferramentas (zshell, oh my zsh e power10k) para facilitar e melhorar a experiência de desenvolvimento em um ambiente Windows.
go program that installs and customizes ohmyzsh tmux vim via various plugins and other nice to haves
🍁 Seasonal ZSH Themes - Impress your friends ~ Automatic terminal theming for each season
A multipurpose ZSH Theme with very detailed git and mercurial prompt.
Antigen plugin for pandoc
A set of instructions and scripts to document and semi-automate the setup of a new Windows developer machine
Demo files for generating Oh my ZSH theme screenshots
Elevate your Terminal's efficiency: harness the unbeatable auto-complete power through seamless ChatGPT integration!
Display meaningful error codes in your zsh
A ZSH plugin that provides functions which integrate & bind fuzzy finder capabilities through fzf to certain commands such as ls, man, find and more.
Tired of dealing with those pesky 'node_modules' cluttering up your project? Get the Zsh plugin that keeps your workspace squeaky clean!
Oh My Zsh theme based on Parrot OS bash theme
Elevate your Hyper Terminal with OhMyZsh and the Powerlevel10k theme for a stylish and efficient command line experience. Upgrade your workflow and embrace enhanced capabilities in a personalized terminal environment.