There are 0 repository under vat-validation topic.
Component using the European Commission (EC) VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) to verify and validate VAT registration numbers in the EU, using PHP and Composer.
:moneybag: A simple and clean PHP library that validates EU VAT registration numbers against the central database (using the official europa API) :eu:
VAT validation for Python
EOL, do not use this, use driesvints/vat-calculator or Stripe Checkout instead
Vatfallback module provides an extra API based validation and a fallback offline regex validation for the unstable VIES database used by Magento
Finance related Go functions (e.g. exchange rates, VAT number checking, …)
VATcomply is a free API service for vat number validation, user ip geolocation and foreign exchange rates.
VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) dotNET API helps you to verify if EU VAT information exists and/or is valid
Pythonic VAT validation library
WooCommerce EU VAT Number, Git-ified. Synced manual! This repository is just a mirror of the WooCommerce EU VAT Number plugin. Please do not send pull requests and issues.
Validate VAT numbers against BZSt, VIES or HMRC
VIES Client for PHP
Client library for the VIES/EU web service.
Validate Tax Ids (VAT/GST) for businesses operating within the European Union, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Norway.
A VAT number check Plugin for CakePHP
A complete PHP client implementation for the APIstax platform.
This plugin extends the Easy Digital Downloads plugin with EU VAT support. 🚨 This plugin for Easy Digital Downloads is no longer being maintained and developed. An alternative is the webshop plugin WooCommerce with good basic support for VAT.
Verify check digits in VAT around the world to verify that not only the format is correct but that the number itself is also valid (it might not be assigned but is valid according to the check digit algorithm).
This module does a request to to fetch trader information for a given VAT number and country code.
Europe is a ruby gem for retrieving EU government data such as VAT rates, VAT validation, currency exchange rates and country information.
A complete Java client implementation for the APIstax platform.
Vat Check Account record triggered flow
Record Triggered flow for asynchronous VAT Checks
This TypeScript package provides comprehensive Value Added Tax ID number validation functionality for all countries that support it.
OSGi bundles that provide api and implementation of EU VIES VAT number checking service
Laravel validator for greek VAT IDs
A VAT number check (Web Service) Plugin for CakePHP
Check if VAT numbers in an Excel spreadsheet are valid and active
European (EU) VAT Number validator check and company information lookup.
SunVatChecker is a simple and fast PHP dynamic EU VAT Number Validation class that validates a business EU VAT Number using the EU VIES system.