iconfinder / pyvat

VAT validation for Python

Repository from Github https://github.comiconfinder/pyvatRepository from Github https://github.comiconfinder/pyvat

pyvat -- VAT validation and calculation for Python


With EU VAT handling rules becoming ever more ridiculous and complicated, businesses within the EU are faced with the complexity of having to validate VAT numbers. pyvat was built for Iconfinder's marketplace to handle just this problem.

Validation of VAT numbers is performed in two steps: firstly, the VAT number is checked against an expression for the given country if one such is available, after which it is checked against a registry if one such is available.

Calculation of VAT rates for sales is supported within the EU for items covered by the new EU directive for VAT on telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services.


To install requests, do yourself a favor and don't use anything other than pip:

$ pip install pyvat


pyvat exposes its functionality through three simple methods:

pyvat.check_vat_number(vat_number, country_code=None)

Test if a VAT number is valid.

If possible, the VAT number will be checked against available registries.

  • vat_number -- VAT number to validate.
  • country_code -- Optional country code. Should be supplied if known, as there is no guarantee that naively entered VAT numbers contain the correct alpha-2 country code prefix for EU countries just as not all non-EU countries have a reliable country code prefix. Default None prompting detection.

True if the VAT number can be fully asserted as valid or False if not, otherwise None indicating that the VAT number may or may not be valid.

pyvat.is_vat_number_format_valid(vat_number, country_code=None)

Test if the format of a VAT number is valid.

  • vat_number -- VAT number to validate.
  • country_code -- Optional country code. Should be supplied if known, as there is no guarantee that naively entered VAT numbers contain the correct alpha-2 country code prefix for EU countries just as not all non-EU countries have a reliable country code prefix. Default None prompting detection.

True if the VAT number can be fully asserted as valid or False if not, otherwise None indicating that the VAT number may or may not be valid.

pyvat.get_sale_vat_charge(date, item_type, buyer, seller)

Get the VAT charge for performing the sale of an item.

Currently only supports determination of the VAT charge for telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services in the EU.

  • date (datetime.date) -- Sale date.
  • item_type (pyvat.ItemType) -- Type of the item being sold.
  • buyer (pyvat.Party) -- Buyer.
  • seller (pyvat.Party) -- Seller.

The VAT charge to be applied to the sale of an item.

For more detailed documentation, see the full pyvat documentation.


VAT validation for Python



Language:Python 99.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%