APIstax / client-java

A complete Java client implementation for the APIstax platform.

Home Page:https://apistax.io

Repository from Github https://github.comAPIstax/client-javaRepository from Github https://github.comAPIstax/client-java

APIstax Java Client

Maven Central License

APIstax Java client is a complete Java client implementation for the APIstax platform.


Add the following dependency to your build file:

Maven pom.xml


Gradle build.gradle


Get your APIstax API key here.

Initialise an APIstaxClient and start using it.

public class VatService {

    private APIstaxClient client;
    public VatService(String apiKey) {
        client = new APIstaxClient.Builder()

    public boolean isValid(String vatId) {
        VatVerificationResult result = client.verifyVatId(vatId);
        return result.getValid() == true;

The further information and documentation about the APIs can be found on APIstax documentation page.


A complete Java client implementation for the APIstax platform.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%