There are 0 repository under usenavigate topic.
Yu-gi-oh Shop Card é uma aplicação web de um e-commerce com vendas de Cards de Yugioh, consumindo a API YGOPRODeck, que possui mais de 12.000 informações detalhadas de todos os cards do jogo.
YouTube Clone is a Clone of YouTube which consist of some functionalities of YouTube like see recent feed, search videos, see likes and views on a video, see related videos, play, pause, change time of a video, change quality of a video, see subtitles, add video to watch later and a video can also be shared and a channel page can also be viewed.
Movie Database App with React.js-TailwindCSS-Firebase
A MERN stack paint application which has login and logout functionality protected with JWT authentication.
Catálogo de filmes consumindo uma API com React.
React Movie Finder which uses TMDB API to get information about trending movies, display credits information about a movie
tested the React-router lastest version 6 in codeSandbox
React Formik Task to create a admin dashboard for a library management system
Este projeto foi desenvolvido com o propósito de desenvolver uma aplicação para o consumo e utilização de APIs e um CRUD e disponibilizá-las a você.
React Redux Ecommerce Add To Cart Project. Technologies used: React.JS , Redux , Material-UI, & React Bootstrap
A multipage timed quiz app built with React.js, and Material UI. The questions for the quiz app are retrieved from an online database that contains various categories and difficulty levels. The quiz app introduced sounds and prompts to improve the user experience, hence making it more accessible to the visually impared.
Router logic works with react-router with useNavigate hook
MCQ- Sit using react, and mui, and using api :
Gmail with REACT.JS! (with React-Router, REDUX & Firebase)
My Personal Portfolio (react js)
The Watson is an open sourced, blog style website with support for text and images. Free from intrusive advertisements and clunky UI's, The Watson is the place where you can shout to the masses and be heard. Keeping the style of open source, every article is able to be viewed, edited, and deleted by any user.
A comprehensive demo showing the use of react-router-dom v6.
Created a basic contact App using React
Created a Todo application using ReactJS
CURD Opration using Axios fetching
React CURD operation in My Todo App
Our Event management project with React Router aims to create a simple web application for managing events. It allows users to view a list of events, see event details, edit event details, add new events and navigate between different pages using React Router.
Our Event management project with React Router aims to create a simple web application for managing events. It allows users to view a list of events, see event details, edit event details, add new events and navigate between different pages using React Router.
This project is a simple employee tracking website that allows users to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on employee data. It provides basic information about employees, including their username, age, email, country, and an image.
This repo contains React Day 11 Task of MERN Stack. Build a Library management system using simple CRUD operation from API using Axios with Formik and Yup Validation.
This React application allows users to manage a list of users
Employee managemet system
To construct an admin dashboard for a library management system, use React Formik Task.
For Back-end Practice