windsuzu / react-router-demo

A comprehensive demo showing the use of react-router-dom v6.

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React Router Demo

A comprehensive demo showing the use of react-router-dom v6.
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Table of Contents


這個專案主要展示如何使用 react-router-dom@v6 讓一個 SPA (Single-Page Application) 專案能夠自由控制 url 與頁面轉換。內容包含:

  1. 建立 Routes 邏輯
  2. 建立 Link 或含有 active 風格的 NavLink
  3. 在 component 中建立 nested routes
  4. 利用 useParams 與 useLocation、URLSearchParams 存取 url 資訊
  5. 利用 navigate 與 useNavigate 來改變 url,做到 replace 或 push 頁面,甚至使用 url 取代 state 功能

❤️ 另外,下方的 [Difference between v5 and v6] 區塊也整理了 react-router-dom 的 v5 和 v6 差別。

Built With

  • HTML5, CSS3, Javascript ES6
  • React.js
  • styled-components
  • react-router-dom@v6

[DEMO] :


🪃 Setup Routes

⚔️ Nested Routes

🗡️ Using Links and NavLinks

🛡️ Extracting URL Params (useLocation, useParams)

🩸 Redirect, Navigation, Imperative Navigation


Difference between v5 and v6

❤️ Browser Router

❤️ Routes and Route Components

❤️ Display Subroute

❤️ NavLink Active Status

❤️ useParams

❤️ Redirect => Navigate

❤️ Route inside Components

🎆 Outlet (v6 only)

❤️ Imperative Navigation


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:



A comprehensive demo showing the use of react-router-dom v6.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.8%Language:HTML 7.0%Language:CSS 3.2%