There are 0 repository under ucode-marathon topic.
Open for usage code with some useful things for studying C
Our game made at the end of Marathon C.
This is a program that written for race in campus.
Space Invaders open source based on C and SDL
This is my repository for the UCODE-Stage-3 Web Full Stack marathon. We study the basics of Front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and Back-end (PHP, SQL).
my personal, open-source marathon to the Innovation Campus (2023-2024)
This is simple card game. This project is well suited for learning, and in general creating a full stack of applications on a javascript
Flappy Chad is the game writed for ucode connect marathon.
Results and source code of all tasks from UCode-Marathon.
A classic 2048 game created for the final stage of the UCode-Marathon EndGame.
Chat made on C with usage of Gtk library and sqlite3
Implementation of a card game in a battle variation (Gwent and Hearthstone as references)
Implementation of a real-time messaging application for the UCODE IT ACADEMY project using TCP socket programming. Working only on UNIX systems.
Implementation of the UNIX shell for the UCODE IT ACADEMY project. Zsh was taken as a reference.
The simple app for start in javascript
This game on C for Mac OS system
Refresh of C marathon
Marathon on HTML, CSS, JS and PHP
Free for use lib made on C
Free for use Pathfinder
Free for use custom ls command
Free for use shell.
This is my repository for UCODE-Stage-1 marathon works, such as Sprints, Races, Checkpoints, and Endgame. Feel free to check it out. You can also use it for your own UCODE works (if you are a UCODE student too). I'm working on Marathon C in September-October 2020.
All tasks from marathon-c UCODE
This repository consist of tasks that i did during the Full-Stack Maraphon in Ucode