There are 0 repository under sum-types topic.
Algebraic data types for C99
Java 8 annotation processor and framework for deriving algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching, folds, optics and typeclasses.
No-Frills Functional Programming Lib Augmenting Javascript/Node.js
Monad, Functional Programming features for Golang
Algebraic data types for Python (experimental, not actively maintained)
An implementation of sum types in Julia
Recursive Variant: A simple library for Recursive Variant Types
A type-safe and space-efficient sum type for C# (comparable to discriminated unions in C or C++)
Easy-to-use sum types in Julia
A code generator enabling sum-types in Dart
Solutions to exercises from the book Haskell Programming
A namedtuple-style library for defining immutable sum types in Python.
Track periodic goals — a sample iPhone app
Easy, fast, transparent generic derivation of typeclass instances in Scala
[early-wip]A Relational Database Management System with Support for Algebraic Data Types
Minimal core language based on dependent function type, pair type, recursive type, sum type and record type.
Support material for "Functional Programming in Swift" @ Functional Conf, Bangalore, 2017
Pattern matching for destructured values (core.match & spec)
Use a Monocle Prism to handle <select> conflict between ADTs and Strings
PrimeFuncPack Core.Taggeds is a core pack for .NET consisting of fundamental tagged types targeted for use in functional programming: Optional and Result monads, Tagged Union, as well as the convert extensions.
Macros for zipping fallible operations together
Sum Data Table dengan Flutter
Algebraic Sum types for Javascript (beta)