There are 0 repository under algebraic topic.
Algebraic data types for C99
Specification for common algebraic structures in JavaScript based on Fantasy Land
Showcasing how the Polysemy library can be used to implement a REST application conforming to the guidelines of the Clean Architecture model.
Algebraic graphs implementation in TypeScript
Additional accompaniment to Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling
Algebraic structures for untyped Racket
Conversions between algebraic classes and F-algebras.
Generate CAPTCHA from algebraic formula
Some very basic algebraic ideas and notions.
Solvers for coupled linear algebraic equations with symmetric sparse matrices
Home of CryptaPath and PathFinder: Tools for algebraic cryptanalysis using CRHS (BDDs).
MRHS solver - research tool for experimental algebraic cryptanalysis
Algebraic Sum types for Javascript (beta)
Sources of papers on algebraic file synchronization (TeX, Python)
A Python module to handle linear combinations of square roots exactly.
Coq proof of the generalized Howson-Rosenthal theorem: (transformation of an n-players incomplete game to an hypergraphical game)
This is a project to store the practices of my Artificial Intelligence II course; it contains basic neural networks algorithms with python and a GUI for plotting the trainings.
Implements some of the algorithms described in N. Ramsey and E. Csirmaz. An Algebraic Approach to File Synchronization, 2001 (OCaml)
Consists of creating a calculator that transforms relational algebra into a sql query
To use NLP machine learning model along with Algebra to solve symbolic mathematics problems in a more general and smarter way, compared to and inspired by the project facebookresearch/SymbolicMathematics.
A minimal implementation accompaning the paper "Sampling Signals on Meet/Join Lattices" to reproduce the results.