There are 1 repository under sp500 topic.
An S&P500 Stock Index Movement Predictor built with Machine Learning models
Constituent history of the S&P 500 from various data sources
S&P500 Stock Index Movement Forecastor with various Statistical and Machine Learning Models
Collection of 3 quantitative finance projects in Python that uses algorithmic trading.
Distributed stock price forecasting system to predict S&P 500 stock prices.
Developed a predictive model using LSTM networks to forecast strong daily uptrends in the SPY ETF. This project includes feature engineering, model building and hyper parameter tuning and a backtested trading strategy that outperforms the market.
Predict stock trends using visual time windows
This repo is about Economy & Financial Markets. Here you can see data about Argentinian Stocks Market, S&P 500, Dow Jones, Brazilian Stocks Market and other economic metrics such as GDP, Gold value, etc.
The purpose of this repository is to test the hypothesis that the S&P 500 index has an exogenous relationship to the price of Gold; specifically that as the S&P index falls, the value of Gold will increase.
Abstract: The S&P500 is difficult to predict. Multi-factor models provide a useful framework for making returns predictions and for controlling portfolio risk. This paper explores a three-step process in predicting PCA and Autoencoders factors to generate multi-factor models from the S&P500 component securities.
Vix index is implemented in S&P500 historical data.
Applied Basic Machine Learning on List of S&P 500 Companies using Yahoo Finance
This project focuses on the design and implementation of a trading bot using OpenAI's GPT for sentiment analysis of financial news. The bot integrates sentiment analysis in trading strategies for S&P 500 stocks.
Various Crypto/US Stock Alerts
Map showing the location of the headquarters of the top US companies over many years. (visualization part)
Python Repository to ingest, feature engineer, train, backtest, and run a random forest model to predict the direction of the S&P500 at the start of the next day's trading session.
The app to know next day's yield prediction
Quant machine for S&P 500 (Annualized return: 20.60%; Sharpe ratio: 1.06; Sortino ratio: 2.05; Calmar ratio: 1.05)
Data analysis that aims to evaluate Bitcoin as a diversification instrument to a US equity portfolio.
A backtesting environment and trading bots implemented in Python.
Map showing the location of the headquarters of the top US companies over many years. (data scraping part)
Evaluating the Impact of Macroeconomic Indicators on S&P Prices
Smart Dollar Cost Averaging backtest
Golden Cross strategy implementation in S&P500 and NIFTY50 historical data.
S&P500 And VIX index bot for Telegram
📈 Previsão do Índice S&P 500 Utilizando LSTM e Mecanismos de Atenção
📈 Fama French and ML models on S&P 500 dataset
This project showcases a web application that is designed to perform CAPM calculations for different stocks. The application uses Python programming language and its libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Streamlit and Plotly, to gather stock data from Yahoo Finance and perform calculations to determine expected returns.
This project consists of web scraping features of S&P 500 companies like ticker, company name, sector, headquarter, date first added and foundation year from Wikipedia with Python using BeatifulSoup and Requests libraries. Then, the web scraped data is cleaned to perform data visualization in order to deliver insights about S&P 500 companies.
The popular S&P 500 heatmap / treemap open-sourced