There are 0 repository under smoteenn topic.
Machine-Learning project that uses a variety of credit-related risk factors to predict a potential client's credit risk. Machine Learning models include Logistic Regression, Balanced Random Forest and EasyEnsemble, and a variety of re-sampling techniques are used (Oversampling/SMOTE, Undersampling/Cluster Centroids, and SMOTEENN) to re-sample the data. Evaluation metrics like the accuracy score, classification report and confusion matrix are generated to compare models and determine which suits this particular set of data best.
Build and evaluate several machine learning algorithms to predict credit risk.
We'll use Python to build and evaluate several machine learning models to predict credit risk. Being able to predict credit risk with machine learning algorithms can help banks and financial institutions predict anomalies, reduce risk cases, monitor portfolios, and provide recommendations on what to do in cases of fraud.
Developed Machine Learning Models to Predict Credit Risk
Using machine learning to determine which model is best at predicting credit risk amongst random oversampling, SMOTE, ClusterCentroids, SMOTEENN, Balanced Random Forest, or Easy Ensemble Classifier (AdaBoost).
An analysis on credit risk
This is my project for predicting hospital readmissions using machine learning. The focus is on creating a binary classification model that is both effective and user-friendly.
Perform a Credit Risk Supervised Machin Learning Analysis using scikit-learn and imbalanced-learn libraries.
Using my skills in data preparation, statistical reasoning, and machine learning I employed different techniques to train and evaluate models with unbalanced classes.
A Comparative Study in Customer Churn Prediction through Multilayer Perceptrons and Support Vector Machines
Supervised Machine Learning and Credit Risk
This project aims to predict credit risk using various ensemble machine learning techniques. I have also tried to handle imbalance by using various sampling methods.
Employ different techniques to train and evaluate models with unbalanced classes. Evaluate the performance of these models and make recommendations on their suitability to predict credit risk.
Assess credit risk of applicants using supervised machine learning. Several different machine learning techniques such as SMOTE, SMOTEENN, RANDOM FOREST, EASY ENSEMBLE were applied, the models were assessed using accuracy score, precision and accuracy to choose the best technique that applies to this type of problem.
Using Scikit-learn and Imbalanced-learn to build and evaluate ML models that predict credit risk
Perform a Credit Risk Supervised Machin Learning Analysis using scikit-learn and imbalanced-learn libraries.
‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ (BNPL) is a type of short-term financing used by start-ups like Slice, ZestMoney, Simpl, LazyPay, and Uni, are lowering the bars while approving applications. Building models to detect such customers beforehand.
In this project, three prospective approaches are demonstrated for pre-processing large data sets in practical time-frames, that can attempt to address the class imbalance by improving the running time of the relevant SMOTE+ENN oversampling techniques, with the aim of improving or enabling classifier performance. The focus of our study was to implement a divide and conquer based implementation that leveraged clustering as a more intelligent division measure.
Machine learning model to predict heart transplant failure and success using XGBoost algorithm and SMOTE/ENN to balance the dataset.
Analyze of several Machine Learning techniques in order to help Jill decide on a most effective Machine Learning Model to analyze Credit Card Risk applications.
There are a number of classification algorithms that can be used to determine loan elgibility. Some algorithms run better than others. We built a loan approver using different Supervised Machine Learning algorithms and compared their accuracies and performances
Utilizing data preparation, statistical reasoning, and supervised machine learning to solve a real-world challenge: credit card risk.
Supervised machine learning model to analyze credit risk
Utilized several machine learning models to predict credit risk using Python's imbalanced-learn and scikit-learn libraries
The Repository is created to cover undersampling and oversampling methods to deal imbalance problem.
Supervised Machine Learning project to predict credit risk
Machine learning models for predicting credit risk in LendingClub dataset.
Analysis of different machine learning models' performance on predicting credit default
Over- and under-sampled data using four algorithms and compared two machine learning models that reduce bias to identify the most reliable credit risk prediction model.
A FLASK-based web application that predicts the risk of diabetes based on the answers to a questionnaire. The app currently uses an XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosted Model) model trained on a Kaggle Dataset of CDC Data.
Creating various machine learning models to create the most accurate model to predict credit risk
An ensemble of machine learning models for detecting fraudulent credit card transactions, utilizing advanced techniques for feature selection, data imbalance handling, and hyperparameter tuning.