Abdul El Barkouki (abidor13)


Geek Repo

Company:United Pacific

Location:Denver, CO

Home Page:https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdul-barkouki-716b0128/

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Abdul El Barkouki's repositories


Given access to approximately 50 datasets, each containing reviews of a specific product and written by members of the paid Amazon Vine Program. We used PySpark to perform the ETL process to extract the dataset, transform the data, connect to an AWS RDS instance, and load the transformed data into PgAdmin.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0


Belly Button Biodiversity Study: A project visualizing bacteria data from volunteers' belly buttons with Plotly.



We worked with data visualization software "Tableau" to present a business proposal for a bike-sharing company in Des Moines, Iowa. The study was based on an actual NYC bike-sharing company.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Analyze of several Machine Learning techniques in order to help Jill decide on a most effective Machine Learning Model to analyze Credit Card Risk applications.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Using Unsupervised Machine Learning, we created an analysis for a client who is preparing to get into the cryptocurrency market.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Using Python - We helped with an Election Audit of the results for a U.S Congressional Election in the state of Colorado.



In this project we are helping Louise understand other campaigns’ outcomes based on their launch dates and their funding goals. We want to provide Louis with some key factors to make her fundraising campaign successful.



There are a number of classification algorithms that can be used to determine loan elgibility. Some algorithms run better than others. We built a loan approver using different Supervised Machine Learning algorithms and compared their accuracies and performances

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Using Leaflet.js Application Programming Interface (API), we populated an interactive Geographical map with GeoJSON earthquake data, collected from the U.S. Geological Survey website, over the previous seven days.



Using R, we designed a statistical study to compare performance of the MechaCar vehicles against performance of vehicles from other manufacturers.



Web data extraction is used for extracting data from external websites. In this assignment, 5 different websites are scraped and the results are stored in MongoDB. Flask application is then used to render the scraped data to a HTML webpage.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Extracting, Transforming and Loading movie data, from Wikipedia, Kaggle, and local csv/Json files. Data was then transformed to an easy to read and access database on SQL for further queries.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0



Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Using SQL database and analysis, we helped Pewlett-Hackard analyze and prepare for an upcoming "Silver Tsunami" event. This "Tsunami" will have several long term employees retire and will require the company to prepare for their departure, then properly plan their replacement.



The purpose of this analysis was to help PyBer, a Python based ride-sharing app company, better understand their accessibility and affordability rates in different city types, such as Urban, Suburban, or Rural.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


An anlaysis of student funding and standardized testing results across a school district to identify any performance trends and patterns within the district.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


DQ Stock Analysis for Steve - Using VBA



Advanced Data Storage and Data Retrieval with `Jupyter Notebook`, `SQLite` and `SQLAlchemy`

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


A webpage designed to display an article on UFO’s along with filterable options to select UFO sightings in different regions, based on different filters, such as date of sighting, state, shape of UFO, etc..



Using APIs to collect and analyze weather and map data, we were able to provide customers and travelers with enough insights and information to plan their trips, based on their weather preferences, on their search page on the app.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0