There are 0 repository under sensor-community topic.
:sparkles: new shiny website built with svelte :heart: for dust and noise measuring project :point_right:
Acquire and process live and historical air quality data without efforts. Filter by station-id, sensor-id and sensor-type, apply reverse geocoding, store into time-series and RDBMS databases, publish to MQTT, output as JSON, or visualize in Grafana. Data sources: Sensor.Community (, IRCELINE, and OpenAQ.
Bridge software for receiving airborne particulate matter measurements from TheThingsNetwork and forwarding them to and opensensemap
This QuickApp reads the PM2.5, PM10 values directly from a sensor somewhere in this world. That sensor doesn't have to be your sensor, any sensor can be used, just find one in your neighborhood. For locating a sensor(ID) in your neighborhood see:
Visualization of the particulate matter data onto a map of the Netherlands at
3D printed version of a Sensor.Community Air Sensor enclosure.
Server for receiving air quality data from a sensor and writing it to InfluxDB and Home Assistant
Digital Noise Measurement Sensor. This fork includes some small fixes and adds a platformio configuration, so you can build and upload using: pio run -t upload
Integration of sensor-community air sensor data with Prometheus & Alertmanager to control centralised ventilation