There are 0 repository under react-router-dom-v5 topic.
Keep the current page rendered as a fallback until the new page is loaded with React.lazy and React.Suspense. Route level code splitting in react without screen flickering (React Suspense + React Router Dom + React Topbar Progress Indicator)
Spotify Clone UI + Functionalities - Based in React and mostly in Class Components with Redux to manage Store and avoid prop drilling.
Aplicação que disponibiliza e facilita o acesso a informações voltadas ao jogo de RPG Lobisomem: O Apocalipse!
Adds localization to the URL of react router using i18next and react-router-dom v5
An web page created to fetch country details using REST API. First Assignment by Integrify.
Get your favorite gifs
Codecademy React-Redux challenge project- Flashcards
Project #50 of Codecademy's Full Stack Engineer Career Path
Project #49 of Codecademy's Full Stack Engineer Career Path
Its a chat app with complete authentication and custom chats, also google and facebook auth is done using firebase
This is my first react application.
Practicing React Route by creating a demo app with diffrent routes and query params (during Udemy Course - React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux))
Dashboard made with redux with multiple themes and modes
An e-commerce shopping website with all the functionality of logging in to the website , adding items to the basket and a dummy payment.
Hacker News is a social news site with a focus on computer science and entrepreneurship. In general, content that can be presented is defined as "anything that satisfies intellectual curiosity".
Desafio Prático para o Processo Seletivo da XP - FrontEnd/Mobile
Site for finding top movies
ReactJS app that allows to the user administrate his personal tasks.
An application made using React-Testing-Library.
An application made using React with class component.
An E-commerce website made using React. In this project we can buy new collection of gadgets and when we add some product to cart, the icon on the top right counter increases. This is possible with the help of hooks. Also the concept of fetching API's being used here, like the images is being fetched from the api and the email that we submit, is being stored in the firebase database.
Aplicación de notas desarrollada con React - Hooks
A web application similar to facebook made as a training material ui + redux
migration from react-router-dyom v5 to v6 will be shown in this repository