There are 1 repository under redux-devtools-extension topic.
The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redux DevTools
DEPRECATED: Create an universal React and Redux app in less than 5 minutes!
react js + redux + graphQL + Apollo + react router + hot reload + devTools + bootstrap + webpack starter
react + redux + ant design + react-router 4 + webpack 4 starter
🚀 node-react universal app boilerplate with everything on hot reload, SSR, GraphQL, Flow included
This is a boilerplate using webpack, react, redux, typescrpit, storybook
ReSwift+redeux dev tools
Example Shopping Cart App using Svelte, Redux, and Webpack
Spotify Clone UI + Functionalities - Based in React and mostly in Class Components with Redux to manage Store and avoid prop drilling.
:pager: Port for Redux Dev Tools Extension now using Context API
Inspecting / time travelling state changes of React component on Redux DevTools Extension or React Native Debugger
This is a Full-Stack KPI Dashboard intended to solve business problems. This Application has 2 Roles (User & Admin).
Base of projects react with Redux and Ant Design.
Learning React Redux Notes
The front-end for Hikes Against Poverty (HAP) - a full-stack app to raise funds, through hiking events, for charities fighting against poverty. Built with React, Redux, and the HAP API.
Basically, this project gives me a lot of knowledge. I love the process of the redux.
The libraray that enables interop between Blazor and Redux DevTools Extension
MERN Stack e-Commerce🥰 Project with all features. Express Backend provides only Restful API. React Frontend, Redux State management. Express And MongoDB backend Rest-API. Backend Data Validation.
react-js is a site based on a set of generalized codes and inspired by (education)
Bookourt is a mobile first web app that helps you book a tennis court. Built with react and rails.
Project #57 of Codecademy's Full Stack Engineer Career Path
An SPA built with React/Redux, to encourage sharing, reduce global waste, and save precious resources. Built on top of the Trash Nothing API.
Counterapp is just a simple demo showing the structure of redux and how its work with react . One more option is to help use the tips of REDUX_DEV_TOOL and connection between react app and REDUX_DEV_TOOL also its feature. A simple counter app just to demonstrate redux structure via react-redux and state management. Hope it will help u understand redux too.
App to gym
Twitch CRUD-Authentication clone with RTMP server to view an flv stream
Created inspired by
react, next-i18next, redux, redux-thunk, framer-motion and static site generation with multi-language support