ycabrera90 / GiphyApp

Get your favorite gifs

Home Page:https://eip-giphy-app.web.app/

Repository from Github https://github.comycabrera90/GiphyAppRepository from Github https://github.comycabrera90/GiphyApp

EIP Studios

Giphy App

On this web site you can see the trending gifs. You can search for a specific word or phrase and the app will show you the best gifs related to that word or phrase.

Built with

  • React - Javascript Library (Framework!)
  • Sass - CSS extension language
  • Node.Js - JavaScript runtime environment
  • Firebase - Deployment platform

Clone and run app

These instructions will allow you to obtain a copy of the project on your local machine for development and test purposes. Look the deployment so you can see the final result.


For run this project you must have installed the following packages in your local machine

Clone and serve

For clone the project you need open a terminal, go to the folder which you want to work and put the follows commands

git clone https://github.com/ycabrera90/GiphyApp.git

cd GiphyApp

npm install

npm start



This project is public and only for academic purposes.

Read More 🎁

  • Nothing important so far :-)

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Get your favorite gifs



Language:TypeScript 89.2%Language:SCSS 8.9%Language:HTML 1.3%Language:JavaScript 0.7%