There are 0 repository under react-reducer topic.
A React useReducer() hook to use dictionaries (keys and values) 🔑
React hook for managing effectful reducers.
React admin panel dashboard
A To-Do List Web Application. Currently In Progress.
UpSkillingEG Front-end Job Simulation Bootcamp Project 01: Food Recipes App
An advanced React Concepts app with Mosh Hamedani's course, to get skilled with React-Query, React-Router, Reducers, Contexts, Providers and Zustand state management library.
Box Office App
An Ecommerce Project with Search , Filter , Add to Cart ,Product Details , Cart details , Chekout and Login/ SignUp functionality
This is the back-end repository for pet adoption app Adopt the Dream
This is the front-end repository for pet adoption app Adopt the Dream
🔷 Simple React - Context & Reducer - Project 🔷
E-commerce website , you can Filter the products, search for a products also has an add to cart and wishList functionality
Ready for an adventure? Eager to head out into the wilderness and soak up some nature? Plan your next trip with this React Redux app for campsite viewing, reviewing, and booking!
Agriboost is an online extensions service offering application
Animation calendar, react web app
Track Covid-19 confirmed cases, recoveries, and deaths(global/US)
Calculate the distance between two geographic points.
React App Project to search Github Users Accounts
Vestra ( Myntra Clone ) is a one stop shop for all your fashion and lifestyle needs. Being India's largest e-commerce store for fashion and lifestyle products.
a simple react app made for daily expense tracking
Asimov Quiz is a quiz application for sci-fi enthusiasts.
A React-based e-commerce app featuring a cart and wishlist, powered by React Toolkit for state management, React-Redux for efficient data flow, and React-Router for seamless navigation. Bootstrap ensures a responsive design, while users can add items to their cart or wishlist for a smooth shopping experience.
World-Wise helps you add and store any location that you want to track.
React App: Advanced Concepts
This is a website of Glowly app in this we have include skincare,bodycare products
Shopster is a modern shopping cart interface built with React, Material-UI, and React Router. Developed during my internship at Foothill Technology Solutions, this project demonstrates effective state management using React Contexts, Reducers, and Providers. Browse products, manage your cart, and proceed to checkout with ease.
Rapid Application Development Sessions
Simple React quiz website highlighting the use of the useReducer hook.
This is a todo list using react-redux with functionality contains create, read, update, delete, delete all, mark as completed and store the todos in localStorage using React-Persist.
Simple CRUD using React Reducer involves managing and sharing data (customer or item) across multiple components without prop drilling, while also implementing basic CRUD operations.
🚀 Elevate your React apps with advanced state management techniques! Explore component composition, Context API for seamless state sharing, and Reducers for managing complex states. Check out "React Elegant Context" demo now! 💻✨
A lightweight Point of Sale (POS) system built with React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. This system allows you to manage customers and items without the need for a backend server. It is entirely in-memory, making it ideal for small-scale usage or testing.