Harsh Shukla's repositories
Develop a software as a service (SaaS) platform that leverages advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate code, images, videos, music and conversations. The platform will cater to a wide range of users, including developers, designers, content creators and businesses, providing them with tools to automate and enhance development processes.
This is a frontend landing page of a mataverse website using ReactJS, NextJS, Tailwind CSS & Framer Motion
This is a repository for a Full Stack Renting Website similar to Airbnb Clone with Next.js 13 App Router: React, Tailwind, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth.
This is a Blogging Platform using MongoDB, React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express.js
This is 1st introductory video of chai-aur-backend
This is a crud management app using React Vite and Supabase in which user can create, delete, update and fetch data from the Supabase Database.
This website has made using Python/Django. Through this website user can buy, explore products, tracking their status and many more.
This is a flight enquiry crud management project using Express JS, Node JS and MySql.
This is a food crud management project using Express JS, Node JS and MySql.
This is a full stack todo list app using ReactJS, NodeJS, React-Redux, ExpressJS, Typescript, MongoDB and many more...
This is a full stack todo list app using mongodb, react.js, javascript, html/css, express.js, node.js having functionalities such as adding, editing, storing and removing the todo lists.
It is a react application through which user can seek rented house or any short-time living place and vendors can also rent their home.
This is a hotel, villa, cabin, bunglow and many more booking system using mern stack.
This is a meal application using React + Vite
This is a mern stack project using Graph QL
React Typescript Todo App
It is a Real Time Chat Application to communicate one on one or in group. Implemented Chat List and Voice call Feature.
This is full stack food ordering website using ReactJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Paypal and many more...
This is a repository to develop a web platform that connects hosts with guests seeking for short-term accommodation rentals. This platform should provide a seamless experience to both the hosts and the guests, ensuring their security, ease of use and efficient transaction management.
This is a RPG - Dragon Repeller Game
This is a SaaS AI Platform
This is a Full Stack MERN Application Using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB. The App is called "Memories" and it is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.
This is a social media app using react js, appwrite, shadcn and many more.
This is a stock trading app using react + vite
This is team member allocation app in which we can assign various team members into different teams. This app has been built using React Vite and Context API.
This is a todo list app using context api. This app is able to remove todo, update todo, toggle checkbox, show all todos
This is a todo list using react-redux with functionality contains create, read, update, delete, delete all, mark as completed and store the todos in localStorage using React-Persist.
This is a Todo List App which is created using React JS, TypeScript, SCSS and Zustand
This project is a complex backend project that is built with nodejs, expressjs, mongodb, mongoose, jwt, bcrypt, and many more. This project is a complete backend project that has all the features that a backend project should have.