Nadeesha Samaraweera's repositories
This repository contains a recipe website called AirFryer Recipes, built using HTML and CSS. The site features a clean, responsive web design, showcasing a variety of air fryer recipes. It utilizes native CSS for styling, ensuring a user-friendly experience across different devices and screen sizes.
This repository features a web page for the Luxe Horizon Hotel, built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. The site showcases a responsive and visually appealing design, providing information about the resort with interactive elements and smooth navigation across devices.
This repository contains the final coursework for the Internet Technology module, showcasing the POS System. The project is developed using JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap, following the MVC architecture to ensure a structured and maintainable codebase.
This project showcases a Library Management System developed for the ORM module final coursework. It is implemented using Java, JavaFX, and Hibernate ORM, with JDK 11. The system provides robust CRUD functionality for managing library data, leveraging Hibernate for seamless data persistence and efficient handling of operations.
This repository features a simple HTML calculator built using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. The application supports a responsive design.
This repository features a networked chat application developed with JavaFX and JDK 11. It uses multithreading and socket programming to enable real-time communication in a client-server architecture.
My first semester final project, developed as a standalone JavaFX application following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
This repository showcases a Connect Four game implemented in Java, utilizing JavaFX and object-oriented programming principles. Designed as a standalone application, it is built using JDK 11 and highlights object-oriented design alongside JavaFX for the user interface.
The Green Shadow Management System Backend is built with Spring Boot, integrating MySQL for database management and Spring Security for role-based authentication. It supports efficient CRUD operations and secure JWT-based API communication.
The Green Shadow Management System Frontend is a dynamic and user-friendly web application built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX. It is designed to facilitate seamless management of various operations for Green Shadow (Pvt) Ltd., a farm specializing in root crops and cereals.
Docker is a platform for managing containers, enabling applications to run in isolated environments efficiently.
My first semester final project, developed as a standalone JavaFX application following the Layered architecture.
This in-class project showcases a Thogakade developed using Hibernate ORM with Bootstrap.
The RecipeExpress Backend is a TypeScript, Express, and Prisma-powered service designed for the RecipeExpress app. It provides RESTful APIs for user authentication and recipe management, including user registration, login, and search history storage. Built with MySQL and Prisma ORM.
The RecipeXpress project is a web and mobile application developed with React and React Native. It enables users to discover recipes, access detailed cooking instructions, and keep track of their search history. The frontend seamlessly communicates with a backend API to retrieve and present recipe data.
This repository provides an implementation of serialization and deserialization using the Jackson library in Java. It illustrates how to seamlessly convert Java objects into JSON format and how to reconstruct Java objects from JSON data.
In Class Spring boot Project.
Count reducer in React is typically used to manage and update a state value, such as a counter, in a more structured way using the useReducer hook.
This is a frontend-only mock project based on the Green Shadow Management System. The focus is on implementing a robust frontend structure, simulating CRUD operations, and providing a seamless user experience using React, Redux, React Router, and Tailwind CSS.
This repository contains examples and explanations of various design patterns.
python in class lesson.
In Class Lectures
In Class Lectures.
This repository showcases a React app using Redux Toolkit for efficient state management. It demonstrates dynamic updates with react-redux hooks and best practices.
Simple CRUD using React Reducer involves managing and sharing data (customer or item) across multiple components without prop drilling, while also implementing basic CRUD operations.
This repository contains examples and explanations of the SOLID principles.
This project uses a microservices architecture to provide a scalable and modular solution for managing a supermarket’s core operations.
python in class lesson.