There are 4 repositories under pywebio topic.
TelAnalysis - Telegram Analysis tool
✨基于 3D 卷积神经网络(CNN)的阿尔兹海默智能诊断 Web 应用 Alzheimer's Intelligent Diagnosis Web Application based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network and the ADNI Dataset ✨ (with README in English) 🚩:图像识别可视化界面,快速部署深度学习模型为网页应用,Web预测系统,决策支持系统(DSS),图像识别前端网页,图像识别Demo展示-Pywebio。AI人工智能图像识别-Pytorch;nii医学影像处理;ADNI数据集。100%纯Python代码,轻量化,易复现
✨基于卷积神经网络(CNN)和CIFAR10数据集的图像智能分类 Web 应用 Intelligent Image Classification Web Applcation based on Convolutional Neural Networks and the CIFAR10 Dataset✨🚩 (with README in English) 📌含在线demo:图像分类可视化界面,快速部署深度学习模型为网页应用,Web预测系统,决策支持系统(DSS),图像分类前端网页,图像分类Demo展示-Pywebio。AI人工智能图像分类-Pytorch。CIFAR10数据集,小模型。100%纯Python代码,轻量化,易复现
✨基于 3D 卷积神经网络(CNN)的阿尔兹海默智能诊断 Web 应用 Alzheimer's Intelligent Diagnosis Web Application based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network and the ADNI Dataset ✨ 🚩(with README in English) 📌含在线demo:医学影像识别系统,图像识别可视化界面,OCR,快速部署深度学习模型为网页应用,Web预测系统,决策支持系统(DSS),图像识别前端网页,图像识别Demo展示-Pywebio。AI人工智能图像识别-Pytorch;nii医学影像处理;ADNI数据集。100%纯Python代码,轻量化,易复现
PyWebIO data visualization demos.
Rotina simples em python para consultar cnpj a partir da base de dados públicos da Receita Federal
This repo contains the code demonstrated in the Analytics Vidhya article about PyWebIO usage and the ML model prediction code.
This repository consists of collaborative filtering Recommender systems like Similarity Recommenders, KNN Recommenders, using Apple's Turicreate, A matrix Factorization system from scratch and a Deep Learning Recommender System which learns using embeddings. Besides this Market Basket Analysis using Apriori Algorithm has also been done. Deployment of Embedding Based Recommender Systems have also been done on local host using Streamlit, Fast API and PyWebIO.
A frontend repository for the Burplist project, built with Python
Analysis of Holland's Occupational Personality. (基于Python的霍兰德职业性格测试分析WebApp)
Branch-wise seat allotment system for a college based on the entrance exam score of students. Web Application made using python libraries
Text data analysis, Name-Entity Recognition and Topic Modeling for automating and building ML models
This repo contains demo code for all the libraries discussed in the Analytics Vidya Article. Link for the same:
A collection of web apps to (partially) automate common legal problems. Built with PyWebIO.
The objective of this project is to classify the web pages into two categories Malicious[Bad] and Benign[Good] webpages. Exploratory Data Analysis and Geospatial Data Analysis are done to get more insights and knowledge about the data. Features are engineered and the data is preprocessed accordingly. A total of four ML and DL models are trained. The models are XGBoost, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree and Deep Neural Network. The DNN is implemented in PyTorch and the others are implemented using scikit learn.
Car booking app that has three user types: admin, driver, and passenger implemented with the help of PyWebIO
DishMaster generates unique recipes and images based on ingredients and type of dish. Share your creations with a Telegraph post, all powered by AI.
Реализован примитивный список дел с помощью MySQL и библиотек PyWebIO и aiogram
🧁 Web messenger in 70 lines. Lib: pywebio. async defs used.
Car Price Prediction: Machine Learning (Data Science) Project using dataset predicting prices of cars
该仓库包含基于 PyWebIO 的 UCB(上置信界)算法 在线演示,UCB 算法常用于多臂老虎机问题,以优化决策并最大化累积奖励。演示包括自动 UCB 算法模拟和交互式手动策略对比。