There are 8 repositories under leader-election topic.
:satellite: BroadcastChannel to send data between different browser-tabs or nodejs-processes :satellite: + LeaderElection over the channels
Signal 18 repman - Replication Manager for MySQL / MariaDB / Percona Server
A node js library with a distributed leader/follower algorithm ready to be used
Implementation of the NELI leader election protocol for Go and Kafka
[Go] - Bully algorithm visualization & implementation written in Golang.
Package core is a service container that elegantly bootstrap and coordinate modular twelve-factor apps in Go.
Algorithms for implementation of Clock Synchronization, Consistency, Mutual Exclusion, Leader Election
A crate to implement leader election for Kubernetes workloads in Rust.
🤖 Simple Kubernetes operator built from scratch with client-go
This Java library has been designed to facilitate leader election within Kafka clusters providing an efficient and robust solution for distributed coordination.
etcd based leader election client for your microservices to rule them all.
This repository is implementation of Bully Algorithm in Golang with RPC
A wrapper for leader election mechanism in Kubernetes
🙋‍♀️ React hook for cross-tab leader election
Golang implementation of distributed mutex on Azure lease blobs
Failover mechanism for operators running Polkadot nodes to optimize uptime without jeopardising being slashed due to issues such as double signing
Cluster membership manager using the SWIM Protocol and Raft's leader election sub-protocol.
Task scheduler with high availability.
Golang implementation for leader election through Consul API
Extensions for spring-integration
Helpful wrappers around Consul API
This example demonstrates how to write high availability controller with GO.
a collection of distributed algorithms (on PeerJS which uses WebRTC)
A dotnet leader election library, based on Consul or ZooKeeper.
Projekt for the Distributed Systems course DBE14
java consul demo
A Go implementation of Curdleproofs, a zero-knowledge shuffle argument.
.NET Core Consul Service Discovery & Leader Election
Implementation of a distributed caching solution (LRU : Least recently used) using ZooKeeper.