There are 0 repository under pizzeria topic.
Django food menu. A simple solution for restaurants and pizzerias.
Multi-restaurant edition of DjMenu
🍕 📱 🌐Pizzeria Website deployed using AWS S3
Pizzeria management in Angular 2 🍕
Application for managing a pizzeria.
Ecommerce site for Pizzeria built with React
McMaster LEAP Camp: Pizzeria Website Project
Sistema de gestión para una pizzería
Pizza Ordering Management System. Bachelor Project at VIA University College.
An Electron app to assist orders management of a pizzeria shop
Personalized theme developed for AlanPizza, a pizzeria in Vauréal, France
Proyecto de CoderHouse basado en "Ego's - Fuego & Cocina"
Create a pizzeria delivey website with JavaScript - exercise
A web application for ordering pizza online, developed using MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js.
PizzeriaManager is a comprehensive management system designed to streamline operations for pizzerias, including menu management, order tracking, and employee scheduling.
Simple (console-based) pizzeria orders taker, developed in C as an assignment in Intro to Computer Science @ MTA College
Command line pizzeria management application. It provides authentication, user roles, role-depend functions and casual filtering data.
Epitech 2nd year project, creation of a pizzeria simulation
Progetto Java many to many JPA
College assignment for an introductory Java course. Includes a pizzeria app and a bank teller app that uses a storage class.
Exemplo de base de dados de pizzaria.
A social platform for sharing pizzas ideas, favorite toppings, sizes, and reacting to other users' pizza posts.
A website for a pizzeria called "Pizza Lord". This is a school project.