Samuel Lazareanu's repositories
Create high-quality vertical quotes videos (1920x1080 - Perfect for all social medias) in about 15seconds per video!
Create high-quality images with quotes (Perfect for Instagram and Pinterest) in less than 5 seconds per 100+ images!
A Python script that checks the expiry dates of all domains in the "top 10 million domains" list (by DomCop), and logs the ones that expire soon in a file.
Projects and assignments from my BSc in Computer Science at Ariel University, Israel
A simple Catan Game in C++, as an assignment in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
Practice socket programming, involving server, client, and proxy. Developed in Python, as an assignment in Computer Networking @ Ariel University
Socket programming in c. Transferring large files over TCP, implementing Realiable UDP and simulating Packet Loss. As an assignment in Computer Networking @ Ariel University
C++ course (Systems Programming B), 2024 b, Ariel University
C++ implementations of graph algorithms, as an assignemnt in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
Projects 1-6 in nand2tetris as graded assignments in Computer Architecture @ Ariel University
QUIC Protocol, implemented multi-streams. Final project in Computer Networking @ Ariel University
All study materials for the Operating Systems Course @ Ariel University
An assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University, developed in C - UNIX tools, libaries, debugging, gdb, ddd, threads, fork, wait, exec, pipe
Synchronization and Kosaraju server - Implementing a server on a graph for finding SCC using Kosaraju's algo. The server receives graphs and changes in them, from multiple users in TCP communication or from stdin, makes the changes simultaneously, runs the algorithm, and returns outputs. As an assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University
Valgrind, Graph data structure and Euler : coverage reports, gprof, Valgrind memcheck, callGraph, helgrind and implemented singleton and lock gurad. As an assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University
Final Project in OS course: MST, Strategy/Factory, Client-Server, Threads, Active Object, Thread poll (Leader-Follower) and Valgrind. @ Ariel University
A custom-made version of Netcat in C/C++; Redirecting stdin & stdout using pipes allowing chat between terminals and program exec. As an assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University
Simple (console-based) pizzeria orders taker, developed in C as an assignment in Intro to Computer Science @ MTA College
Simple math project in C to practice using 'gcc', makefiles and libraries as an assignment in Systems Programming A @ Ariel University
Simple project in C to practice using arrays and loops as an assignment in Systems Programming A @ Ariel University
Linked List project in C to practice using strings and dynamic memory allocation, as an assignment in Systems Programming A @ Ariel University
Operator overloading and implementations of graph algorithms in C++, as a follow-up assignemnt in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
STL, Templates, and Iterators in CPP on Generic Tree<T, K>, Node<T> as an assignment in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
Simple console-based Taki game, developed in C as the final project in Intro to Computer Science @ MTA College
Viking Chess (Hnefatafl) game in Java, practicing OOP principles as an assignment in OOP @ Ariel University
React Native Mobile App: Tori! - "Appointments: A click away". Led full-cycle development in a team of 3 using industry best practices, from initiation to deployment as the final project in Software Engineering @ Ariel University. Advanced search feature for quick appointment booking. Firebase: Auth, Firestore, Storage, Messaging, Functions.
My first developed android app, as the final project in high-school Software Engineering major.