There are 0 repository under epitech-project topic.
:email: Epitech Subjects: All the subjects and files related to Epitech PGE Program
It contains a part of all the small Epitech projects that are not worth the blows of spending a lot of time
A curated list of awesome tools used by Epitech students and projects developed at Epitech.
minilibc Minilibc MinilibC MiniLibC MINILIBC
This repository contains every testor for the Epitech second year projects
:satellite: EpyTodo Epitech project. The goal of this project is to make a todo list with Express and Node.
Epitech project - This is an RPG made during my studies using C language & CSFML library.
Epitech Corewar - Réalisation d'un compilateur de RedCode (Assembleur) et d'une Virtual Machine qui interprète les fichiers '".cor" et les exécutes.
EPITECH - First year project: Creation of a calculator able to display the result of the evaluation of an arithmetic expression composed of integers of infinite size expressed in any base
{ EPITECH } - B-CPE-200-corewar : 100% ASM 100% VM - Docs Available - 80% Coverage 80% Branches - 21/22 Final Score
Epitech First year Project - Remake of Dofus in C langage using CSFML graphic library
Bash script to configure your Arch Linux perfectly with LVM
All of Epitech's 3rd year mathematics projects
Création d'un jeu de type RPG sur le thème de Monster Hunter.
{ EPITECH } - B-OOP-400-arcade : Docs Available - 16.25/21 77.3% Final Score | SFML + SDL2 + nCurses | Snake + Pacman
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Allocation free, C99 printf function recreation focused of a small memory footprint
A GitHub action allowing you to check for memory leaks on your binaries, libraries and unit tests.
All of Epitech's 2nd year mathematics projects
Render graphical effects and animations
C++ project for Epitech study - VOIP server/client
CSFML CSfml Epitech (Old my_rpg)