There are 0 repository under passport-local topic.
NestJS, Angular 6, Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal), GraphQL, JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and Facebook/Twitter/Google Authentication, Mongoose, MongoDB, Webpack, TypeScript
CoderDost MERN Stack E-commerce Project - Backend Repository
A headless CMS built in Express for PostgresQL using Sequelize. Generally follows the Wordpress post and term schema.
Build an authentication system using Node.js, Express, and Passport.js
This is a minimalist express boilerplate with ECMA features enabled, MongoDB configured and ready to be multi-stage dockerized
🔐 User authentication in SPA, built with Node.js and React (Koa, Passport, Redux, Redux-Saga and React Router). Local authentication – users can log in using username, passport and authentication through Facebook.
Passport Examples with different Database and strategies - MySQL | Sequelize | MongoDB | Mongoose
A journaling web app for keeping track of your mood throughout the year through colors
A simple REST api built on nodejs with a mysql database, redis session store, and passport authentication
A simple Koa.js boilerplate which implements sequelize and mysql-postgresql
A Vue+Vuex starter with Nuxt scaffolding, Bulma styling, and Express backend.
A fully authenticated, dynamically updating blogging website to create posts sharing thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
MERN Stack SPA e-learning platform.
An employee facing hotel reservation system/CMS. React SPA client. Express (Node.js) back-end connected to a MySQL Database. Using Passport and the Passport-local strategy to authenticate employees of varying access levels.
Building a simple NodeJS Application with authentication using passport
🚆 Starter template for local authentication with validation using passport, express, node and mongodb
MySQL Express React Node.js application using passport with passport-local strategy to log a user in, Saving sessions with Express-sessions express-mysql-session
A fully functional e-commerce app using Express JS framework. 🏪🛍️
Boilerplate of ExpressJS and other popular toolkits (e.g. Mongoose, Passport.js, NodeMailer) developed in TypeScript.
A web application which is useful for management of food donation and collection activities.
Node authentication using passport.js
A simple user account creation boilerplate.
MEAN stack boilerplate, TypeScript codebase, Passport.js with JWT authentication
This is a Order Placement System, This application has 3 roles (i.e Guest, Customer, Admin). The Customer can register and Order any Food item, access all his past orders but can not access the orders of other customers. The admin can access the orders and information of all the users. It also stores sessions/cookies.
This is a basic project that shows how to use the nestjs passport local strategy, along with graphql and express sessions.
Real world backend clone of the medium blog.
This is a complete authentication system that can be used as a starter code for creating any new application. It includes sign up, sign in, sign out, reset password, and social authentication using Google.