There are 1 repository under packettracer topic.
Convert Packet Tracer network simulation pka and pkt files into XML and vice versa.
🌐 Uma proposta de Projeto de Rede ambiente para um hipotético. Contém Projeto Lógico, Projeto Físico e Modelo de Simulação no PacketTracer.
This Repository contains Lab related to Networking
Codes and projects from college subjects
Barbaros provides a ready-to-use web plateforme that empowers teachers and technical support agents in schools to provide Labs material and tools/software/dev env easily through dockerized images of these required tools which are then deplyed to a highly available fully LAN-distributed kubernetes cluster, and enables students to retrieve/submit/save their works and pods.
Each branch is a pen test project from my kali Linux machine
Ubuntu container build for Cisco Packet Tracer on Fedora
Practices on network configurations and topology schemas on Cisco's Packettracer software.
Mega CCNA project - Entreprise network
Cisco Packet Tracer Works for 6.0.1
Cisco Packet Tracer
🖥 Network Design for Shopping Complex for 3rd year computer network lab record
IoT-enabled smart home security system with a combination of devices, sensors, and gateways.
This repo is only for basic networking with packettracer
packet tracer project where i design my campus networking and design smart home by adding IOT
All the code typed so I could pass College
Designing and implementing a simple company netwprk
Notes made by me in preperation for CCNA
A simple CIDR/VLSM Calculator written with HTML & JS.
Network Design for Activity 1 on datacoms
#Platzi Curso de redes OnPremise 💚 | Practica en Cisco Packet Tracer 👩💻 | Temáticas enfocadas a: VLANs, VPN, Spanning Tree Protocol, UTM y NGFW NAC | Profesor: Donny Rodríguez 🇨🇴
This is my little project in building and configuring the Network Operating System
Cisco Packet Tracer unofficial translation project for Brazilian Portuguese