PedrokaDev's repositories
🌐 Uma proposta de Projeto de Rede ambiente para um hipotético. Contém Projeto Lógico, Projeto Físico e Modelo de Simulação no PacketTracer.
💪 Collection of mods for the game Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord that adds immersive utilities to aid the player and his party to survive. (NOT UPDATED)
💬 C# .NET Windows Form Multicast Chat with optional Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on messages and customizable parameters.
🤡 Plays "Bruh Sound Effect #2" when the program gets an exception. thats it
🍿 Android Java App to simulate the booking of movie tickets of a cinema.
👨💻 Um sistema de Controle de Inventários em C# com serialização em JSON que permite Criar, Visualizar, Editar e Excluir Equipamentos e Chamadas de Manutenção. (Processo Seletivo da Academia do Programador 2021)
🚘 A comprehensive Windows Forms C# .NET application designed to manage vehicle rentals for a car rental store. It enables users to perform CRUD operations for data related to Car Rental, ensuring robust data management through Entity Framework ORM.
💵 Um programa C# que escreve o valor de um cheque em reais por extenso
🧮 A simple console calculator made in C# .NET that can solve basic mathematic operations between two numbers.
CRUD para registro de Produtos, Clientes e Veda e Visualização de Relatórios utilizando Winforms do C# .NET e ReportViewer. Se conecta com um banco Postgres16 através do Entity Framework e NPGSQL. Parte do processo seletivo para Desenvolvedor Pleno C# da empresa DeMaria
🛰 C# .NET console app that moves and rotates a "robot" on a custom grid based on a string input of commands.
🚘 Java Application made for parking lot management, using MVC + DAO + Serialization. Administrate, controls and registrate entries and exits for registraded vehicles.
🚗 PoC game where you can control a car with Arrow Keys, with acceleration and terrain detection. Made with just HTML Canvas + Javascript, in less than 8 consecutive hours of work
🆎 A Python script that verifies if string is part of the determined regular expression or not.
🏛 C# app that can convert integers to roman numerals
Modifications on a ServiceNow instance for managing Products and Products Request, where users on the Analyst group can create a new Request and users on the Supervisor group might accept it or not. Implements important concepts like Tables, ACLs, Flow, Portal list and Portal Record
🔢 C# console application that validates if a string is a valid Sudoku grid or not.
📋 C# .NET Windows Forms application that can administrate tasks, order them by priority and store them on a SQL server.
👨🏫 Um programa de python que resolve problemas de estatística e probabilidade relacionados a Teste de Hipoteses de uma população normal com variança desconhecido, para todos inputs compatíveis com a resolução de t Student
🔺 C# console application that can identify if a trinagle is isosceles, equilateral or scalene.
🎮 A 3D platformer game made with Unity and C# where you control a Mario ball! Collect coins, find secrets, die (a lot) and reach the end of the terrifying Bowser's Castle!
🤠 Main profile personal information
Aplicação ASP.NET com WebAPi e gerenciamento de banco utilizando Entityframework 6 + Jogo Unity consumidor dos dados.
🎮Rocket jump and market garden enemies as Soldier from Team Fortress 2 in this 2D platformer fangame