There are 1 repository under oracles topic.
👾 notes and resources on blockchain's maximal extractable value: on the hope of non-predatory free markets in the metaweb
Elixir full node implementation of the aeternity specification
Open source Rust implementation of the Witnet decentralized oracle protocol, including full node and wallet backend 👁️🦀
Shared Scala libraries for the OpenLaw project.
Core off-chain component of Oracle Pools
Euler Price Oracles, a library of immutable oracle adapters and components
The NEST Oracle Smart Contract 3.0 is a solidity smart contract implementation of NEST Protocol which provide a unique on-chain Price Oracle through a decentralized mechanism
Bricks is a sandbox and instruction manual collection for building smart contract exploits for Ethereum blockchains, designed to help developers think like hackers in a safe, fun environment.
Basic Ethereum & Solidity Oracle Example
Oracles for greeks, realized volatility, implied volatility, risk free rate, black scholes using on chain data. Useful for pricing options and other derivatives in on-chain AMMs.
Repository for aggregating news or speculations about Chainlink.
A Chainlink external adapter example
Chronicle Protocol Documentation
Smart contracts for Proof of Authority Consensus
Multi-Dimensional Money Streaming Markets on Bitcoin Cash Protocol with Oracles, Strategies, Vaults, & Escrows
Developer tools for integrating RedStone Oracles with the NEAR smart contracts and dApps.
Join our running Hæckathon now and win up to $15,000!
Kubernetes Helm Charts for running Oracles
Geo guessing with a twist! Prove your location guesses without revealing them using zero-knowledge proofs.
A RANDAO Powered by Chainlink Initiators, Adaptors and Verifiable Random Functions integrated with Proof of Stake Consensus Validators
Smart contracts architecture with decentralized oracles, ECDSA and soulbounds.
with oracles Chainlink
Flight insurance safety DAPP demonstrating collaboration between different actors: airlines, passengers and Oracles. Information about flight status can be requested by any actor. An event on the blockchain is emitted and Oracles react to the event to provide flight status
An example repo to use pyth price feeds in your program
Credit Scoring Algorithms for SCRTSibyl oracle
Initiate Chainlink job runs from external sources
ETH to BSC or BSC to ETH Cross Bridge Adapter, including Burning and Minting Template
Akshwani Hæck: Best æ oracles based DeFI application
Utilizing API3 QRNG to generate NFTs and using true Quantum Randomness in your mints.
A decentralized application (DApp) for flight-delay insurance. Utilizing, Solidity (web3, blockchain), React, Oracles, and Multi-Party consensus.
A Realitio arbitrator implementation that also implements IDisputeResolver
A composable lending protocol built on Solana, and inspired by Morpho Blue
Describes and implements some Solidity common best practices