There are 0 repository under openjdk8 topic.
How to compile JDK 8u with Xcode 9, 10, 11 or 12 on macOS. Also with Shenandoah and JavaFX
This script will install java (openjdk-11/8) in termux without root! Available for aarch64 or armv8, arm64, armhf, armv7l, arm or arm32 or armv7 or aarch32
MultiArch Alpine Linux + S6 + GNU LibC + OpenJDK8 + Libreoffice
OpenJFX 8 binaries for Windows
This is an openjdk-jdk8u-aarch32-android ports. Forked from
openjdk aarch64 android port
Docker image with Firefox ESR and OpenJDK-8-JRE plugin.
Android + Gradle + Cordova/NPM Builder based on Alpine Linux + OpenJDK8.
Ansible role for OpenJDK8. Available on Ansible Galaxy.
Web application. Will be continually working on this as I learn more about ReactTS and Spring Boot.
Ansible role for installing a AdoptOpenJDK Java VM in Debian or CentOS
Dockerized Open JDK 8
Java Web Start CLI with OpenJDK8 for macOS
GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data.
Docker images for Ubuntu with OpenJDK8
Docker image for Jenkins with Gradle, Maven, Ant and Open JDK 8
MultiArch Alpine Linux + S6 + GNU LibC + OpenJDK8 + Maven
This is repository for Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
Alpine Linux based Tomcat 8 with Open JDK 8
openjdk8 build on macOS(Clang) and GNU/Linux(GCC) , so Then Code analysis... base on
Java container for use with Horizon mod builds in GCP
Custom Alpine based image with OpenJDK 8 and Maven
This repository contains a shell script to quickly spin up the dev environment on a linux machine.
Alpine Linux based Open JDK 8 installation
Continuous Integration docker image
(PoC) Make a sbt setup to build and publish minimal docker image that can run a scala app.
This repository contains branch solaris-11-amd64 and solaris-10-11-sparc which provides changes to OpenJDK 8 to build it on Solaris 11 on AMD64 and Solaris 10 and 11 on SPARC. It is a fork of the AdoptOpenJDK mirror of the jdk8u repository.
Containerized builder for SpigotMC