There are 0 repository under amazonlinux topic.
Distrod is a meta-distro for WSL 2 which installs Ubuntu, Arch, Debian, Gentoo, etc. with systemd in a minute for you. Distrod also has built-in auto-start feature on Windows startup and port forwarding ability.
AWS Lambda friendly GDAL Docker images and AWS Lambda layer
Amazon Linux 2 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
Fedora/CentOS/RH/Amazon RPMs for S3FS-Fuse
Package Sonatype Nexus Repository 2.x or 3.x as RPM
Python TensorFlow Lite (tflite) for amazonlinux/aws lambda.
Amazon Linux 2 container image with systemd and Docker Engine
Deploy Apache/Nginx/PHP-FPM/MariaDB/MySQL and concrete5 on CentOS7 Amazon Linux instance with single command
AWS Lambda Layers pandas Python3.7.0
Zabbix RPM packages and their building environment for Amazon Linux
An AWS Lambda build environment for CircleCI and Rust.
Bundle any Python function and its dependencies for Lambda with Docker and Amazon Linux
This is repository for Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
amazonlinux グローバルIP
Environment for creating a Lambda function deployment package ( Python )
jenkins amazonlinux2 jnlp slave
jenkins amazonlinux jnlp slave
Ansible Lamp Deployment on Multiple Client Servers
Hugo in a minimal Amazon Linux 2 image
Sample SystemV init script (service script) for rpm-based linux, that is compatible with Amazon Linux AMI
A docker container using Amazon Linux 2 with Ansible installed for playbook and role testing.
Vagrant Box (vmware_desktop) for Amazon Linux 2
Docker image for Hombrew on Amazon Linux 2
📦 Production-ready Ansible role for deploying and managing EMQX 5.x MQTT broker clusters. Supports high availability, security hardening, and seamless scaling across multiple platforms.