
There are 0 repository under observer-patter topic.

  • no-man-s-landfabio-pecora / no-man-s-land

    This is a 3D game, our character is a Robot who has to find 4 keys following the 3D sound of them inside of a maze. This first level movement is based on a 3rd person point of view where the character can run and shoot. After the player finds the keys he will be able to generate a teleporter to move to the next level. While the player looks for the keys there are enemies looking for him through the maze looking for the shortest path through the maze (NavMesh). The secon level is a parkour level with a timer and a first person view. There are a lot of scenes such as a victory scene, a loosing scene, an option menu and a main menu. The game is full of sounds to make the game better and more interesting. In order to maximize the efficiency of this game I used three game design pattern (object-pooling for the shooting, singleton for the audio manager and observer patter for the enemies). We also added powerups (damage, health and speed).

    Language:ShaderLab Stargazers:0