There are 1 repository under nvs topic.
The Following C Coded Library is used to perform Flash Write, Read and Erase functions on Raspberry Pico 2040.
Secure desgined ESP32 Framework with Update Over the Air (OTA), flash encryption, signed firmware verification, MQTT and non-volatile storage. It can be used for all kinds of IoT development projects, which consider a secure base.
The ESP32 IDF Non-Volatile Storage (NVS) library is designed to store key-value pairs in flash.
(ECCV 2024) CrossScore: Towards Multi-View Image Evaluation and Scoring
Show all keys in ESP32 non volitile storage (NVS).
ESP32 custom partition example, showcasing nvs data configuration, flashing and reading
An alarm clock using the ESP32 as a base, getting time over sntp and presenting http server
LILYGO_T5_V102 digital clock example
Projekt (Spínání světla dle intenzity) z předmětu Mikroprocesorové a vestavěné systémy (IMP), pátý semestr bakalářského studia BIT na FIT VUT/BUT, ak.rok 2023/2024
Boilerplate for using non-volatile storage (NVS) driver to read and write data to on-chip flash memory | TI SimpleLink MCU
Building automation control system developed within ESP32 for the subject of Embedded System Fundamentals
Ported nvs_flash from ESP8266_RTOS_SDK for Arduino ESP8266 (ESP32 compatible)
Реализация None-Volatile Storage для микроконтроллеров
🛡️ A Python tool for automating vulnerability scans, device checks, and WiFi network detection.
NeRF Implementation with Pytorch on NeRF Synthetic Dataset
Functions to store and load MQTT config attributes to/from NVS storage. based on ESP-IDF.