There are 0 repository under nonos-sdk topic.
ESP8266 library for ADE7953 energy measurement chip i2c
build and flash espressif esp8266 nonos-sdk examples with only one command
Function that allow multiple write to flash memory with a significantly reduced number of erase cycles. NR_OF_BLOCKS = 2 (8KB), LENGHT_IN_32BIT_WORDS = 2 (8 Bytes) are 1024 write of 6 Bytes user data for one erase cycle!
Generate OTA and non OTA bin images for esp8266-nonos-sdk and old esp8266-rtos-sdk in Platformio
Uploading OTA image file and any html files, and deleting uploaded files. esp8266 NONOS SDK.
Minimal example to program an ESP8266 using the non-OS SDK.
NONOSDK precompiled library with patched ieee80211_freedom_output function
Ported nvs_flash from ESP8266_RTOS_SDK for Arduino ESP8266 (ESP32 compatible)